Source code for sleap.gui.learning.scopedkeydict

Conversion between flat (form data) and hierarchical (config object) dicts.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Text, Tuple

import attr
import cattr

from sleap.nn.config import TrainingJobConfig, ModelConfig

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ScopedKeyDict: """ Class to support conversion between flat and hierarchical dictionaries. Flat dictionaries have scoped keys, e.g., "". These typically come from user-editable forms. Hierarchical dictionaries have dictionaries as values of other dictionaries, e.g., `{"foo": {"bar": ... } }`. These are typically used when serializing and deserializing objects. Attributes: key_val_dict: Data stores in a *flat* dictionary with scoped keys. """ key_val_dict: Dict[Text, Any]
[docs] @classmethod def set_hierarchical_key_val(cls, current_dict: dict, key: Text, val: Any): """Sets value in hierarchical dict via scoped key.""" # Ignore "private" keys starting with "_" if key[0] == "_": return if "." not in key: current_dict[key] = val else: top_key, *subkey_list = key.split(".") if top_key not in current_dict: current_dict[top_key] = dict() subkey = ".".join(subkey_list) cls.set_hierarchical_key_val(current_dict[top_key], subkey, val)
[docs] def to_hierarchical_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts internal flat dictionary to hierarchical dictionary.""" hierarch_dict = dict() for key, val in self.key_val_dict.items(): self.set_hierarchical_key_val(hierarch_dict, key, val) return hierarch_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_hierarchical_dict(cls, hierarch_dict: dict): """Constructs object (with flat dict) from hierarchical dictionary.""" return cls(key_val_dict=cls._make_flattened_dict(hierarch_dict))
@classmethod def _make_flattened_dict( cls, hierarch_dicts: dict, scope_string: Text = "" ) -> dict: flattened_dict = dict() for key, val in hierarch_dicts.items(): if isinstance(val, Dict): # Dict so recurse adding node to scope string flattened_dict.update( cls._make_flattened_dict( hierarch_dicts=val, scope_string=cls._subscope_key(scope_string, key), ) ) else: # Leafs (non-dict) flattened_dict[cls._subscope_key(scope_string, key)] = val return flattened_dict @staticmethod def _subscope_key(scope_string: Text, key: Text) -> Text: return key if not scope_string else f"{scope_string}.{key}"
[docs]def apply_cfg_transforms_to_key_val_dict(key_val_dict: dict): """ Transforms data from form to correct data types before converting to object. Arguments: key_val_dict: Flat dictionary from :py:class:`TrainingEditorWidget`. Returns: None, modifies dict in place. """ if "outputs.tags" in key_val_dict and isinstance(key_val_dict["outputs.tags"], str): key_val_dict["outputs.tags"] = [ tag.strip() for tag in key_val_dict["outputs.tags"].split(",") ] if "_ensure_channels" in key_val_dict: ensure_channels = key_val_dict["_ensure_channels"].lower() ensure_rgb = False ensure_grayscale = False if ensure_channels == "rgb": ensure_rgb = True elif ensure_channels == "grayscale": ensure_grayscale = True key_val_dict["data.preprocessing.ensure_rgb"] = ensure_rgb key_val_dict["data.preprocessing.ensure_grayscale"] = ensure_grayscale if "model.backbone.resnet.upsampling.skip_connections" in key_val_dict: if key_val_dict["model.backbone.resnet.upsampling.skip_connections"] == "": key_val_dict["model.backbone.resnet.upsampling.skip_connections"] = None # Overwrite backbone strides with stride from head. backbone_name = find_backbone_name_from_key_val_dict(key_val_dict) if backbone_name is not None: max_stride, output_stride = resolve_strides_from_key_val_dict( key_val_dict, backbone_name ) key_val_dict[f"model.backbone.{backbone_name}.output_stride"] = output_stride key_val_dict[f"model.backbone.{backbone_name}.max_stride"] = max_stride
[docs]def find_backbone_name_from_key_val_dict(key_val_dict: dict): """Find the backbone model name from the config dictionary.""" backbone_name = None for key in key_val_dict: if key.startswith("model.backbone."): backbone_name = key.split(".")[2] return backbone_name
[docs]def resolve_strides_from_key_val_dict( key_val_dict: dict, backbone_name: str ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Find the valid max and output strides from the config dictionary.""" max_stride = key_val_dict.get(f"model.backbone.{backbone_name}.max_stride", None) output_stride = key_val_dict.get( f"model.backbone.{backbone_name}.output_stride", None ) for key in [ "model.heads.centered_instance.output_stride", "model.heads.centroid.output_stride", "model.heads.multi_instance.confmaps.output_stride", "model.heads.multi_instance.pafs.output_stride", ]: stride = key_val_dict.get(key, None) if stride is not None: stride = int(stride) max_stride = ( max(int(max_stride), stride) if max_stride is not None else stride ) output_stride = ( min(int(output_stride), stride) if output_stride is not None else stride ) if output_stride is None: output_stride = max_stride return max_stride, output_stride
[docs]def make_training_config_from_key_val_dict(key_val_dict: dict) -> TrainingJobConfig: """ Make :py:class:`TrainingJobConfig` object from flat dictionary. Arguments: key_val_dict: Flat dictionary from :py:class:`TrainingEditorWidget`. Returns: The :py:class:`TrainingJobConfig` object. """ apply_cfg_transforms_to_key_val_dict(key_val_dict) cfg_dict = ScopedKeyDict(key_val_dict).to_hierarchical_dict() cfg = cattr.structure(cfg_dict, TrainingJobConfig) return cfg
[docs]def make_model_config_from_key_val_dict(key_val_dict: dict) -> ModelConfig: """ Make :py:class:`ModelConfig` object from flat dictionary. Arguments: key_val_dict: Flat dictionary from :py:class:`TrainingEditorWidget`. Returns: The :py:class:`ModelConfig` object. """ apply_cfg_transforms_to_key_val_dict(key_val_dict) cfg_dict = ScopedKeyDict(key_val_dict).to_hierarchical_dict() if "model" in cfg_dict: cfg_dict = cfg_dict["model"] return cattr.structure(cfg_dict, ModelConfig)