Developer API#
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Data structures for all labeled data contained with a SLEAP project. |
Module with classes for sending and receiving messages between processes. |
Implementation of skeleton data structure and API. |
A miscellaneous set of utility functions. |
Functions to align instances. |
Module for generating lists of frames using frame features, pca, kmeans, etc. |
Command line utility which prints data about labels file. |
Module for producing prediction metrics for SLEAP datasets. |
Module for getting a series which gives some statistic based on labeling data for each frame of some labeled video. |
CLI for TrackCleaner (mostly deprecated). |
Generate an HDF5 or CSV file with track occupancy and point location data. |
Training-related tf.keras callbacks. |
Evaluation utilities for measuring pose estimation accuracy. |
Model head definitions for defining model output types. |
Utilities for models that learn identity. |
Inference pipelines and utilities. |
Custom loss functions and metrics. |
This module defines the main SLEAP model class for defining a trainable model. |
This module provides a set of utilities for grouping peaks based on PAFs. |
This module contains TensorFlow-based peak finding methods. |
Utilities for working with the physical system (e.g., GPUs). |
Tracking tools for linking grouped instances over time. |
Training functionality and high level APIs. |
This module contains generic utilities used for training and inference. |
Visualization and plotting utilities. |
Transformers for applying data augmentation. |
Transformers for confidence map generation. |
Transformers for dataset (multi-example) operations, e.g., shuffling and batching. |
Transformers for generating edge confidence maps and part affinity fields. |
General purpose transformers for common pipeline processing tasks. |
Group inference results ("examples") by frame. |
Utilities for generating data for track identity models. |
Transformers for performing inference. |
Transformers for finding instance centroids. |
Transformers for cropping instances for topdown processing. |
Transformers for normalizing data formats. |
Utilities for creating offset regression maps. |
This module defines high level pipeline configurations from providers/transformers. |
Data providers for pipeline I/O. |
Transformers for image resizing and padding. |
Transformers and utilities for training-related operations. |
Miscellaneous utility functions for data processing. |
Serializable configuration classes for specifying all training job parameters. |
Utilities for config building and validation. |
Common utilities for architecture and model building. |
Generic encoder-decoder fully convolutional backbones. |
This module provides a generalized implementation of (stacked) hourglass. |
(Higher)HRNet backbone. |
This module provides a generalized implementation of the LEAP CNN. |
Encoder-decoder backbones with pretrained encoder models. |
ResNet-based backbones. |
This module provides a generalized implementation of UNet. |
This module defines common upsampling layer stack configurations. |
Functions/classes used by multiple trackers. |
Module to use Kalman filters for tracking instance identities. |
Command line utility for converting between various dataset formats. |
A SLEAP dataset collects labeled video frames, together with required metadata. |
Module for legacy LEAP dataset. |
Utilities for working with file paths. |
Video reading and writing interfaces for different formats. |
Module for writing avi/mp4 videos. |
Module for generating videos with visual annotation overlays. |
File format adaptor base class. |
Adaptor for reading AlphaTracker datasets. |
Adaptor for reading COCO keypoint detection datasets. |
Adaptor for writing SLEAP analysis as csv. |
Adaptor for reading DeepLabCut datasets. |
Adaptor for reading DeepPoseKit datasets (HDF5). |
Dispatcher for dynamically supporting multiple dataset file formats. |
File object which can be passed to adaptors. |
Adaptor for reading and writing any generic JSON file. |
Adaptor for reading/writing SLEAP datasets as HDF5 (including |
Adaptor for reading/writing old, JSON dataset format (kind of deprecated). |
Adaptor to read (not write) LEAP MATLAB data files. |
Read/write for multiple dataset formats. |
Adaptor to read and write ndx-pose files. |
Adaptor to read and write analysis HDF5 files. |
Adaptor for reading and writing any generic text file. |