Source code for sleap.gui.overlays.base

Base classes for overlays.

Overlays are used for showing additional visuals on top of a video frame (i.e.,
a `QtVideoPlayer` object). Overlay objects are created in the main GUI app,
which then automatically calls the `add_to_scene` for each loaded overlay after
drawing a frame (i.e., when user navigates to a new frame or something changes
so that current frame must be redrawn).

from PySide2 import QtWidgets

import attr
import abc
import numpy as np
from typing import Sequence, Union

from sleap import Labels, Video
from import QtVideoPlayer
from import VideoReader
from sleap.nn.inference import VisualPredictor

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class BaseOverlay(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for overlays. Most overlays need rely on the `Labels` from which to get data and need the `QtVideoPlayer` to which a `QGraphicsObject` item will be added, so these attributes are included in the base class. """ labels: Labels = None player: QtVideoPlayer = None @abc.abstractmethod def add_to_scene(self, video: Video, frame_idx: int): pass
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ModelData(Sequence): """Sequence-type object which generates predictions for specified frames.""" predictor: VisualPredictor result_key: str video: Video output_scale: float = 1.0 adjust_vals: bool = True def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> np.ndarray: """Data data for frame i from predictor.""" # Get predictions for frame i frame_result = self.predictor.predict(VideoReader(, [i])) # We just want the single image results frame_result = frame_result[0][self.result_key] if self.adjust_vals: frame_result = np.clip(frame_result, 0, 1) # Determine output scale by comparing original image with model output self.output_scale = / frame_result.shape[0] return frame_result def __len__(self): return
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class DataOverlay(BaseOverlay): """ Base class for confidence maps/part affinity fields overlays. These overlays use a `ModelData` class which provides the confidence maps/ part affinity fields for the frame (by running inference with a model). They could easily be modified to use another "data" class, e.g., one which load saved confidence maps/part affinity fields from a file. Attributes: data: instance of a class such that you can use `data[frame_idx]` to get the data (e.g., confmaps) for a given frame. overlay_class: determines how the data will be shown, i.e., as confidence maps or as a quiver plot (for part affinity fields). """ data: Sequence = None overlay_class: Union["ConfMapsPlot", "MultiQuiverPlot", None] = None def add_to_scene(self, video: Video, frame_idx: int): if is None: return if self.overlay_class is None: return img_data =[frame_idx] img_scale = self._add( to=self.player.view.scene, what=self.overlay_class(img_data, scale=img_scale), ) def _add( self, to: QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene, what: QtWidgets.QGraphicsObject, where: tuple = (0, 0), ): to.addItem(what) what.setPos(*where) @classmethod def make_predictor(cls, filename: str) -> VisualPredictor: return VisualPredictor.from_trained_models(filename) @classmethod def from_model(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): return cls.from_predictor(cls.make_predictor(filename), *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_predictor( cls, predictor: VisualPredictor, video: Video, show_pafs: bool = False, **kwargs ): # imports here so we don't get circular dependencies from sleap.gui.overlays.confmaps import ConfMapsPlot from sleap.gui.overlays.pafs import MultiQuiverPlot if show_pafs: result_key = predictor.part_affinity_fields_key_name else: result_key = predictor.confidence_maps_key_name data_object = ModelData(predictor=predictor, result_key=result_key, video=video) # Determine whether to use confmap or paf overlay if show_pafs: overlay_class = MultiQuiverPlot else: overlay_class = ConfMapsPlot return cls(data=data_object, overlay_class=overlay_class, **kwargs)
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