Source code for sleap.gui.overlays.confmaps

Overlay for confidence maps.

Currently a `DataOverlay` gets data from a model (i.e., it runs inference on the
current frame) and then uses a `ConfMapsPlot` object to show the resulting
confidence maps.

    >>> cm = ConfMapsPlot(conf_data.get_frame(0))
    >>> window.view.scene.addItem(cm)

from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui

import numpy as np
import qimage2ndarray

from sleap.gui.overlays.base import DataOverlay, h5_colors

[docs]class ConfMapsPlot(QtWidgets.QGraphicsObject): """QGraphicsObject to display multiple confidence maps in a QGraphicsView. Args: frame (numpy.array): Data for one frame of confidence map data. Shape of array should be (channels, height, width). show (list, optional): List of channels to show. If None, show all channels. show_box (bool, optional): Draw bounding box around confidence maps. Returns: None. When initialized, creates one child ConfMapPlot item for each channel. """ def __init__( self, frame: np.array = None, show=None, show_box=True, *args, **kwargs ): super(ConfMapsPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.frame = frame self.show_box = show_box self.rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.frame.shape[1], self.frame.shape[0]) if self.show_box: QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(self.rect, parent=self).setPen( QtGui.QPen("yellow") ) for channel in range(self.frame.shape[2]): if show is None or channel in show: color_map = h5_colors[channel % len(h5_colors)] # Add QGraphicsPixmapItem as child object ConfMapPlot( confmap=self.frame[..., channel], color=color_map, parent=self )
[docs] def boundingRect(self) -> QtCore.QRectF: """Method required by Qt. """ return self.rect
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): """Method required by Qt. """ pass
[docs]class ConfMapPlot(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): """QGraphicsPixmapItem object for drawing single channel of confidence map. Args: confmap (numpy.array): (h, w) array of one confidence map channel. color (list): optional (r, g, b) array for channel color. Returns: None. Note: In most cases this should only be called by ConfMapsPlot. """ def __init__( self, confmap: np.array = None, color=[255, 255, 255], *args, **kwargs ): super(ConfMapPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.color_map = color if confmap is not None: self.confmap = confmap image = self.get_conf_image() self.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(image))
[docs] def get_conf_image(self) -> QtGui.QImage: """Converts array data stored in object to QImage. Returns: QImage. """ if self.confmap is None: return # Get image data frame = self.confmap # Colorize single-channel overlap if np.ptp(frame) <= 1.0: frame_a = (frame * 255).astype(np.uint8) frame_r = (frame * self.color_map[0]).astype(np.uint8) frame_g = (frame * self.color_map[1]).astype(np.uint8) frame_b = (frame * self.color_map[2]).astype(np.uint8) else: frame_a = (frame).astype(np.uint8) frame_r = (frame * (self.color_map[0] / 255.0)).astype(np.uint8) frame_g = (frame * (self.color_map[1] / 255.0)).astype(np.uint8) frame_b = (frame * (self.color_map[2] / 255.0)).astype(np.uint8) frame_composite = np.dstack((frame_r, frame_g, frame_b, frame_a)) # Convert ndarray to QImage image = qimage2ndarray.array2qimage(frame_composite) return image
[docs]def show_confmaps_from_h5(filename, input_format="channels_last", standalone=False): """Demo function.""" from import HDF5Video video = HDF5Video(filename, "/box", input_format=input_format) conf_data = HDF5Video( filename, "/confmaps", input_format=input_format, convert_range=False ) confmaps_ = [np.clip(conf_data.get_frame(i), 0, 1) for i in range(conf_data.frames)] confmaps = np.stack(confmaps_) return demo_confmaps(confmaps=confmaps, video=video, standalone=standalone)
[docs]def demo_confmaps(confmaps, video, scale=None, standalone=False, callback=None): """Demo function.""" from PySide2 import QtWidgets from import QtVideoPlayer if standalone: app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) win = QtVideoPlayer(video=video) win.setWindowTitle("confmaps") def plot_confmaps(parent, frame_idx): if frame_idx < confmaps.shape[0]: frame_conf_map = ConfMapsPlot(confmaps[frame_idx, ...], show_box=not scale) if scale: frame_conf_map.setScale(scale) win.view.scene.addItem(frame_conf_map) win.changedPlot.connect(plot_confmaps) if callback: win.changedPlot.connect(callback) win.plot() if standalone: app.exec_() return win
if __name__ == "__main__": data_path = "tests/data/hdf5_format_v1/training.scale=0.50,sigma=10.h5" show_confmaps_from_h5(data_path, input_format="channels_first", standalone=True)