Source code for sleap.gui.overlays.instance

Overlay for showing instances.
import attr

from sleap.gui.overlays.base import BaseOverlay
from sleap.gui.state import GuiState
from import QtVideoPlayer
from import Labels

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class InstanceOverlay(BaseOverlay): """Class for adding instances as overlays on video frames. Mostly this overlay just adds the relevant instances to the player (i.e., `QtVideoPlayer`) which does the actual drawing. Attributes: labels: The :class:`Labels` dataset from which to get overlay data. player: The video player in which to show overlay. state: Object used to communicate with application. """ state: GuiState = None def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.state is None: raise ValueError( "InstanceOverlay initialized without application GuiState." )
[docs] def add_to_scene(self, video, frame_idx): """Adds overlay for frame to player scene.""" if self.labels is None: return lf = self.labels.find(video, frame_idx, return_new=True)[0] instances = lf.instances_to_show has_predicted = any((True for inst in instances if hasattr(inst, "score"))) has_user = any((True for inst in instances if not hasattr(inst, "score"))) for instance in instances: self.player.addInstance(instance=instance) self.player.showLabels(self.state.get("show labels", default=True)) self.player.showEdges(self.state.get("show edges", default=True)) if has_user and has_predicted: self.player.highlightPredictions("not in training data")