Source code for sleap.gui.widgets.imagedir

Qt widget for showing images from a directory.

There's a seekbar to move between images, and an optional drop-down menu
to select different filename filters (e.g., "validation.*.png").

The typical use-case is to show predictions for each training epoch on the
training/validation images. For this use-case, there's a factory method which
creates widgets with relevant filters from a given training run path.
from sleap import Video
from import QtVideoPlayer

from PySide2 import QtWidgets

import glob
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Text, Tuple

[docs]class QtImageDirectoryWidget(QtVideoPlayer): """ Qt widget (window) for showing images from directory with seekbar. Call `poll()` method to check directory for new files. Arguments: directory: The path for which to search for image files. filters: Filename filters, given as (display name, filter)-tuples, e.g., ("Validation", "validation.*.png") """ def __init__( self, directory: Text, filters: Optional[List[Tuple[Text, Text]]] = None ): = directory self.filters = filters self.files = [] super(QtImageDirectoryWidget, self).__init__() self.seekbar.tick_index_offset = 0 # show frame numbers indexed by 0 self.changedPlot.connect( lambda vp, idx, select_idx: self.setWindowTitle( self._get_win_title_for_frame(idx) ) ) self.resize(360, 400) if self.filters: self.filter_menu = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.filter_menu.addItems([filter[0] for filter in self.filters]) self.filter_menu.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.setFilter) self.layout.addWidget(self.filter_menu) self.setFilter(self.filter_menu.currentIndex()) else: self.poll() def _get_win_title_for_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> Text: """Get window title to use based on specified frame.""" return ( os.path.basename(self.files[frame_idx]) if frame_idx < len(self.files) else "" )
[docs] def setFilter(self, filter_idx: int): """Set filter (by number) for which files in directory to show.""" self.filter_idx = filter_idx self.poll()
@property def _current_filter_mask(self) -> Text: if not self.filters: return "*" return self.filters[self.filter_idx][1]
[docs] def poll(self): """Re-scans directory (using current filter) and updates widget.""" path = os.path.join(, self._current_filter_mask) print(f"Polling: {path}") files = glob.glob(path) files.sort() if not files: return if files != self.files: was_on_last_image = False if is None: was_on_last_image = True elif self.state["frame_idx"] == was_on_last_image = True self.files = files = Video.from_image_filenames(filenames=files) self.load_video( if was_on_last_image: self.state["frame_idx"] = elif self.state["frame_idx"]: self.state["frame_idx"] = min( self.state["frame_idx"], )
[docs] @classmethod def make_training_vizualizer(cls, run_path: Text) -> "QtImageDirectoryWidget": """ Factory method for only currently use-case of this widget. Args: run_path: The run path directory for model, should contain viz subdirectory. Returns: Instance of `QtImageDirectoryWidget` widget. """ dir = os.path.join(run_path, "viz") filters = [("Validation", "validation.*.png"), ("Training", "train.*.png")] win = QtImageDirectoryWidget(dir, filters=filters) return win
if __name__ == "__main__": from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication app = QApplication([]) # run_path = "tests/data/json_format_v1/models/200420_100503.centroid.70" # window = QtImageDirectoryWidget.make_training_vizualizer(run_path) window = QtImageDirectoryWidget( directory="tests/data/videos/", filters=[("JPEG", "*.jpg"), ("Robot 1", "*1.jpg")], ) window.plot() app.exec_()