Source code for

Functions to align instances.

Usually you'll want to

1. find out the skeleton edge to use for aligning instances,
2. align all instances using this edge in the skeleton,
3. calculate mean/std for node locations of aligned instances.

For step (1), we use the most "stable" edge (smallest std in length) for the set
of instances which has a (mean) length above some threshold. Usually this will
be something like [head -> thorax], i.e., an edge between two body parts which
are relatively fixed relative to each other, and thus work well as an axis for
aligning all the instances.

Steps (2) and (3) are fairly straightforward: we calculate angle of the edge
found in step (1) for each instance, then rotate each instance accordingly,
then calculate mean/standard deviation for each node in the resulting matrix.

Note that all these functions are vectorized and work on matrices with shape
(instances, nodes, 2), where 2 corresponds to (x, y) for each node.

After we have a "mean" instance (i.e., an instance with all points at mean
of other, aligned instances), the "mean" instance can then itself be aligned
with another instance using the `align_instance_points` function. This is
useful so we can use "mean" instance to add "default" points to an instance
which doesn't yet have all points).

from sleap import Labels, Instance
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_stable_node_pairs( all_points_arrays: np.ndarray, node_names, min_dist: float = 0.0 ): """Returns sorted list of node pairs with mean and standard dev distance.""" # Calculate distance from each point to each other point within each instance intra_points = ( all_points_arrays[:, :, np.newaxis, :] - all_points_arrays[:, np.newaxis, :, :] ) intra_dist = np.linalg.norm(intra_points, axis=-1) # Find mean and standard deviation for distances between each pair of nodes inter_std = np.nanstd(intra_dist, axis=0) inter_mean = np.nanmean(intra_dist, axis=0) # Clear pairs with too small mean distance inter_std[inter_mean <= min_dist] = np.nan # Ravel so that we can sort along single dimension flat_inter_std = np.ravel(inter_std) flat_inter_mean = np.ravel(inter_mean) # Get indices for sort by standard deviation (asc) sorted_flat_inds = np.argsort(flat_inter_std) sorted_inds = np.stack(np.unravel_index(sorted_flat_inds, inter_std.shape), axis=1) # Take every other, since we'll get A->B and B->A for each pair sorted_inds = sorted_inds[::2] sorted_flat_inds = sorted_flat_inds[::2] # print(all_points_arrays.shape) # print(intra_points.shape) # print(intra_dist.shape) # print(inter_std.shape) # print(sorted_inds.shape) # Make sorted list of data to return results = [] for inds, flat_idx in zip(sorted_inds, sorted_flat_inds): node_a, node_b = inds std, mean = flat_inter_std[flat_idx], flat_inter_mean[flat_idx] if mean <= min_dist: break results.append(dict(node_a=node_a, node_b=node_b, std=std, mean=mean)) return results
[docs]def get_most_stable_node_pair( all_points_arrays: np.ndarray, min_dist: float = 0.0 ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns pair of nodes which are at stable distance (over min threshold).""" all_pairs = get_stable_node_pairs(all_points_arrays, min_dist) return all_pairs[0]["node_a"], all_pairs[0]["node_b"]
[docs]def align_instances( all_points_arrays: np.ndarray, node_a: int, node_b: int, rotate_on_node_a: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Rotates every instance so that line from node_a to node_b aligns.""" # For each instance, calculate the angle between nodes A and B node_to_node_lines = ( all_points_arrays[:, node_a, :] - all_points_arrays[:, node_b, :] ) theta = np.arctan2(node_to_node_lines[:, 1], node_to_node_lines[:, 0]) # Make rotation matrix for each instance based on this angle R = np.ndarray((len(theta), 2, 2)) c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) R[:, 0, 0] = c R[:, 1, 1] = c R[:, 0, 1] = -s R[:, 1, 0] = s # Rotate each instance by taking dot product with its corresponding rotation rotated = np.einsum("aij,ajk->aik", all_points_arrays, R) if rotate_on_node_a: # Shift so that rotation is "around" node A node_a_pos = points[:, node_a, :][:, np.newaxis, :] else: # Shift so node A is at fixed position for every instance node_a_pos = rotated[:, node_a, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # Do the shift rotated -= node_a_pos return rotated
[docs]def align_instances_on_most_stable( all_points_arrays: np.ndarray, min_stable_dist: float = 4.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets most stable pair of nodes and aligned instances along these nodes. """ node_a, node_b = get_most_stable_node_pair( all_points_arrays, min_dist=min_stable_dist ) aligned = align_instances(all_points_arrays, node_a, node_b, rotate_on_node_a=False) return aligned
[docs]def get_mean_and_std_for_points( aligned_points_arrays: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns mean and standard deviation for every node given aligned points. """ mean = np.nanmean(aligned_points_arrays, axis=0) stdev = np.nanstd(aligned_points_arrays, axis=0) return mean, stdev
def make_mean_instance( aligned_points_arrays: List[np.ndarray], std_thresh: int = 0 ) -> Instance: mean, stdev = get_mean_and_std_for_points(aligned_points_arrays) # Remove points with standard deviation higher than threshold if std_thresh: mean[stdev > std_thresh] = np.nan from sleap import Instance from sleap.instance import Point OFFSET = 0 # FIXME new_instance = Instance( skeleton=labels.skeletons[0], points=[Point(p[0] + OFFSET, p[1] + OFFSET) for p in mean], ) return new_instance
[docs]def align_instance_points(source_points_array, target_points_array): """Transforms source for best fit on to target.""" # Find (furthest) pair of points in target to use for alignment pairwise_distances = np.linalg.norm( target_points_array[:, np.newaxis, :] - target_points_array[np.newaxis, :, :], axis=-1, ) node_a, node_b = np.unravel_index( np.nanargmax(pairwise_distances), shape=pairwise_distances.shape ) # Align source to target source_line = source_points_array[node_a] - source_points_array[node_b] target_line = target_points_array[node_a] - target_points_array[node_b] source_theta = np.arctan2(source_line[1], source_line[0]) target_theta = np.arctan2(target_line[1], target_line[0]) rotation_theta = source_theta - target_theta c, s = np.cos(rotation_theta), np.sin(rotation_theta) R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) rotated = # Shift source to minimize total point different from target target_row_mask = ~np.isnan(target_points_array)[:, 0] shift = np.mean( rotated[target_row_mask] - target_points_array[target_row_mask], axis=0 ) rotated -= shift return rotated
[docs]def get_instances_points(instances: List[Instance]) -> np.ndarray: """Returns single (instance, node, 2) matrix with points for all instances.""" return np.stack([inst.points_array for inst in instances])
[docs]def get_template_points_array(instances: List[Instance]) -> np.ndarray: """Returns mean of aligned points for instances.""" points = get_instances_points(instances) node_a, node_b = get_most_stable_node_pair(points, min_dist=4.0) aligned = align_instances(points, node_a=node_a, node_b=node_b) points_mean, points_std = get_mean_and_std_for_points(aligned) return points_mean
if __name__ == "__main__": # filename = "tests/data/json_format_v2/centered_pair_predictions.json" # filename = "/Volumes/fileset-mmurthy/shruthi/code/sleap_expts/preds/screen_all.5pts_tmp_augment_200122/191210_102108_18159112_rig3_2.preds.h5" filename = "/Volumes/fileset-mmurthy/talmo/wt_gold_labeling/100919.sleap_wt_gold.13pt_init.n=288.junyu.h5" labels = Labels.load_file(filename) points = get_instances_points(labels.instances()) get_stable_node_pairs(points, np.array(labels.skeletons[0].node_names)) # import time # # t0 = time.time() # labels.add_instance( # frame=labels.find_first(video=labels.videos[0]), # instance=make_mean_instance(align_instances(points, 12, 0)) # ) # print(labels.find_first(video=labels.videos[0])) # print("time", time.time() - t0) # # Labels.save_file(labels, "mean.h5") # R = np.array(((c, -s), (s, c))) # a_rotated = # a_rotated += a[0] - a_rotated[0]