Source code for

Generate an HDF5 file with track occupancy and point location data.

Ignores tracks that are entirely empty. By default will also ignore
empty frames from the beginning and end of video, although
`--all-frames` argument will make it include empty frames from beginning
of video.

The HDF5 file has these datasets:

* "track_occupancy"     shape: tracks * frames
* "tracks"              shape: frames * nodes * 2 * tracks
* "track_names"         shape: tracks
* "node_names"         shape: nodes

Note: the datasets are stored column-major as expected by MATLAB.

import os
import re
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

from import Labels

[docs]def get_tracks_as_np_strings(labels: Labels) -> List[np.string_]: """Get list of track names as `np.string_`.""" return [np.string_( for track in labels.tracks]
[docs]def get_nodes_as_np_strings(labels: Labels) -> List[np.string_]: """Get list of node names as `np.string_`.""" return [np.string_( for node in labels.skeletons[0].nodes]
[docs]def get_occupancy_and_points_matrices( labels: Labels, all_frames: bool ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Builds numpy matrices with track occupancy and point location data. Args: labels: The :class:`Labels` from which to get data. all_frames: If True, then includes zeros so that frame index will line up with columns in the output. Otherwise, there will only be columns for the frames between the first and last frames with labeling data. Returns: tuple of two matrices: * occupancy matrix with shape (tracks, frames) * point location matrix with shape (frames, nodes, 2, tracks) """ track_count = len(labels.tracks) or 1 node_count = len(labels.skeletons[0].nodes) frame_idxs = [lf.frame_idx for lf in labels] frame_idxs.sort() first_frame_idx = 0 if all_frames else frame_idxs[0] frame_count = ( frame_idxs[-1] - first_frame_idx + 1 ) # count should include unlabeled frames # Desired MATLAB format: # "track_occupancy" tracks * frames # "tracks" frames * nodes * 2 * tracks # "track_names" tracks occupancy_matrix = np.zeros((track_count, frame_count), dtype=np.uint8) locations_matrix = np.full( (frame_count, node_count, 2, track_count), np.nan, dtype=float ) for lf, inst in [(lf, inst) for lf in labels for inst in lf.instances]: frame_i = lf.frame_idx - first_frame_idx if inst.track is None: # We could use lf.instances.index(inst) but then we'd need # to calculate the number of "tracks" based on the max number of # instances in any frame, so for now we'll assume that there's # a single instance if we aren't using tracks. track_i = 0 else: track_i = labels.tracks.index(inst.track) occupancy_matrix[track_i, frame_i] = 1 inst_points = inst.points_array locations_matrix[frame_i, ..., track_i] = inst_points return occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix
[docs]def remove_empty_tracks_from_matrices( track_names: List, occupancy_matrix: np.ndarray, locations_matrix: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[List, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Removes matrix rows/columns for unoccupied tracks. Args: track_names: List of track names occupancy_matrix: 2d numpy matrix, rows correspond to tracks locations_matrix: 4d numpy matrix, last index is track Returns: track_names, occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix from input, but without the rows/columns corresponding to unoccupied tracks. """ # Make mask with only the occupied tracks occupied_track_mask = np.sum(occupancy_matrix, axis=1) > 0 # Ignore unoccupied tracks if np.sum(~occupied_track_mask): print(f"ignoring {np.sum(~occupied_track_mask)} empty tracks") occupancy_matrix = occupancy_matrix[occupied_track_mask] locations_matrix = locations_matrix[..., occupied_track_mask] track_names = [ track_names[i] for i in range(len(track_names)) if occupied_track_mask[i] ] return track_names, occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix
[docs]def write_occupancy_file( output_path: str, data_dict: Dict[str, Any], transpose: bool = True ): """ Write HDF5 file with data from given dictionary. Args: output_path: Path of HDF5 file. data_dict: Dictionary with data to save. Keys are dataset names, values are the data. transpose: If True, then any ndarray in data dictionary will be transposed before saving. This is useful for writing files that will be imported into MATLAB, which expects data in column-major format. Returns: None """ with h5.File(output_path, "w") as f: for key, val in data_dict.items(): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): print(f"{key}: {val.shape}") if transpose: # Transpose since MATLAB expects column-major f.create_dataset( key, data=np.transpose(val), compression="gzip", compression_opts=9, ) else: f.create_dataset( key, data=val, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9 ) else: print(f"{key}: {len(val)}") f.create_dataset(key, data=val) print(f"Saved as {output_path}")
[docs]def main(labels: Labels, output_path: str, all_frames: bool = True): """ Writes HDF5 file with matrices of track occupancy and coordinates. Args: labels: The :class:`Labels` from which to get data. output_path: Path of HDF5 file to create. all_frames: If True, then includes zeros so that frame index will line up with columns in the output. Otherwise, there will only be columns for the frames between the first and last frames with labeling data. Returns: None """ track_names = get_tracks_as_np_strings(labels) occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix = get_occupancy_and_points_matrices( labels, all_frames ) track_names, occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix = remove_empty_tracks_from_matrices( track_names, occupancy_matrix, locations_matrix ) data_dict = dict( track_names=track_names, node_names=get_nodes_as_np_strings(labels), tracks=locations_matrix, track_occupancy=occupancy_matrix, ) write_occupancy_file(output_path, data_dict, transpose=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("data_path", help="Path to labels json file") parser.add_argument( "--all-frames", dest="all_frames", action="store_const", const=True, default=False, help="include all frames without predictions", ) args = parser.parse_args() video_callback = Labels.make_video_callback([os.path.dirname(args.data_path)]) labels = Labels.load_file(args.data_path, video_search=video_callback) output_path = re.sub("(\.json(\.zip)?|\.h5|\.slp)$", "", args.data_path) output_path = output_path + ".tracking.h5" main(labels, output_path=output_path, all_frames=args.all_frames)