Source code for sleap.instance

Data structures for all labeled data contained with a SLEAP project.

The relationships between objects in this module:

* A `LabeledFrame` can contain zero or more `Instance`s
  (and `PredictedInstance` objects).

* `Instance` objects (and `PredictedInstance` objects) have `PointArray`
  (or `PredictedPointArray`).

* `Instance` (`PredictedInstance`) can be associated with a `Track`

* A `PointArray` (or `PredictedPointArray`) contains zero or more
  `Point` objects (or `PredictedPoint` objectss), ideally as many as
  there are in the associated :class:`Skeleton` although these can get
  out of sync if the skeleton is manipulated.

import math

import numpy as np
import cattr

from copy import copy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

from numpy.lib.recfunctions import structured_to_unstructured

import sleap
from sleap.skeleton import Skeleton, Node
from import Video

import attr

    from typing import ForwardRef
    from typing import _ForwardRef as ForwardRef

[docs]class Point(np.record): """ A labelled point and any metadata associated with it. Args: x: The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame. y: The vertical pixel location of point within image frame. visible: Whether point is visible in the labelled image or not. complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler. """ # Define the dtype from the point class attributes plus some # additional fields we will use to relate point to instances and # nodes. dtype = np.dtype([("x", "f8"), ("y", "f8"), ("visible", "?"), ("complete", "?")]) def __new__( cls, x: float = math.nan, y: float = math.nan, visible: bool = True, complete: bool = False, ) -> "Point": # HACK: This is a crazy way to instantiate at new Point but I can't figure # out how recarray does it. So I just use it to make matrix of size 1 and # index in to get the np.record/Point # All of this is a giant hack so that Point(x=2,y=3) works like expected. val = PointArray(1) val[0] = (x, y, visible, complete) val = val[0] # val.x = x # val.y = y # val.visible = visible # val.complete = complete return val def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({self.x}, {self.y})"
[docs] def isnan(self) -> bool: """ Are either of the coordinates a NaN value. Returns: True if x or y is NaN, False otherwise. """ return math.isnan(self.x) or math.isnan(self.y)
# This turns PredictedPoint into an attrs class. Defines comparators for # us and generaly makes it behave better. Crazy that this works! Point = attr.s(these={name: attr.ib() for name in Point.dtype.names}, init=False)(Point)
[docs]class PredictedPoint(Point): """ A predicted point is an output of the inference procedure. It has all the properties of a labeled point, plus a score. Args: x: The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame. y: The vertical pixel location of point within image frame. visible: Whether point is visible in the labelled image or not. complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler. score: The point-level prediction score. """ # Define the dtype from the point class attributes plus some # additional fields we will use to relate point to instances and # nodes. dtype = np.dtype( [("x", "f8"), ("y", "f8"), ("visible", "?"), ("complete", "?"), ("score", "f8")] ) def __new__( cls, x: float = math.nan, y: float = math.nan, visible: bool = True, complete: bool = False, score: float = 0.0, ) -> "PredictedPoint": # HACK: This is a crazy way to instantiate at new Point but I can't figure # out how recarray does it. So I just use it to make matrix of size 1 and # index in to get the np.record/Point # All of this is a giant hack so that Point(x=2,y=3) works like expected. val = PredictedPointArray(1) val[0] = (x, y, visible, complete, score) val = val[0] # val.x = x # val.y = y # val.visible = visible # val.complete = complete # val.score = score return val
[docs] @classmethod def from_point(cls, point: Point, score: float = 0.0) -> "PredictedPoint": """ Create a PredictedPoint from a Point Args: point: The point to copy all data from. score: The score for this predicted point. Returns: A scored point based on the point passed in. """ return cls(**{**Point.asdict(point), "score": score})
# This turns PredictedPoint into an attrs class. Defines comparators for # us and generaly makes it behave better. Crazy that this works! PredictedPoint = attr.s( these={name: attr.ib() for name in PredictedPoint.dtype.names}, init=False )(PredictedPoint)
[docs]class PointArray(np.recarray): """ PointArray is a sub-class of numpy recarray which stores Point objects as records. """ _record_type = Point def __new__( subtype, shape, buf=None, offset=0, strides=None, formats=None, names=None, titles=None, byteorder=None, aligned=False, order="C", ) -> "PointArray": dtype = subtype._record_type.dtype if dtype is not None: descr = np.dtype(dtype) else: descr = np.format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr if buf is None: self = np.ndarray.__new__( subtype, shape, (subtype._record_type, descr), order=order ) else: self = np.ndarray.__new__( subtype, shape, (subtype._record_type, descr), buffer=buf, offset=offset, strides=strides, order=order, ) return self def __array_finalize__(self, obj): """ Override :method:`np.recarray.__array_finalize__()`. Overide __array_finalize__ on recarray because it converting the dtype of any np.void subclass to np.record, we don't want this. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def make_default(cls, size: int) -> "PointArray": """ Construct a point array where points are all set to default. The constructed :class:`PointArray` will have specified size and each value in the array is assigned the default values for a :class:`Point``. Args: size: The number of points to allocate. Returns: A point array with all elements set to Point() """ p = cls(size) p[:] = cls._record_type() return p
def __getitem__(self, indx: int) -> "Point": """Get point by its index in the array.""" obj = super(np.recarray, self).__getitem__(indx) # copy behavior of getattr, except that here # we might also be returning a single element if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if obj.dtype.fields: obj = obj.view(type(self)) # if issubclass(obj.dtype.type, numpy.void): # return obj.view(dtype=(self.dtype.type, obj.dtype)) return obj else: return obj.view(type=np.ndarray) else: # return a single element return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_array(cls, a: "PointArray") -> "PointArray": """ Converts a :class:`PointArray` (or child) to a new instance. This will convert an object to the same type as itself, so a :class:`PredictedPointArray` will result in the same. Uses the default attribute values for new array. Args: a: The array to convert. Returns: A :class:`PointArray` or :class:`PredictedPointArray` with the same points as a. """ v = cls.make_default(len(a)) for field in Point.dtype.names: v[field] = a[field] return v
[docs]class PredictedPointArray(PointArray): """ PredictedPointArray is analogous to PointArray except for predicted points. """ _record_type = PredictedPoint
[docs] @classmethod def to_array(cls, a: "PredictedPointArray") -> "PointArray": """ Convert a PredictedPointArray to a normal PointArray. Args: a: The array to convert. Returns: The converted array. """ v = PointArray.make_default(len(a)) for field in Point.dtype.names: v[field] = a[field] return v
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True, eq=False, order=False) class Track: """ A track object is associated with a set of animal/object instances across multiple frames of video. This allows tracking of unique entities in the video over time and space. Args: spawned_on: The video frame that this track was spawned on. name: A name given to this track for identifying purposes. """ spawned_on: int = attr.ib(converter=int) name: str = attr.ib(default="", converter=str)
[docs] def matches(self, other: "Track"): """ Check if two tracks match by value. Args: other: The other track to check Returns: True if they match, False otherwise. """ return attr.asdict(self) == attr.asdict(other)
# NOTE: # Instance cannot be a slotted class at the moment. This is because it creates # attributes _frame and _point_array_cache after init. These are private variables # that are created in post init so they are not serialized.
[docs]@attr.s(eq=False, order=False, slots=True) class Instance: """ The class :class:`Instance` represents a labelled instance of a skeleton. Args: skeleton: The skeleton that this instance is associated with. points: A dictionary where keys are skeleton node names and values are Point objects. Alternatively, a point array whose length and order matches skeleton.nodes. track: An optional multi-frame object track associated with this instance. This allows individual animals/objects to be tracked across frames. from_predicted: The predicted instance (if any) that this was copied from. frame: A back reference to the :class:`LabeledFrame` that this :class:`Instance` belongs to. This field is set when instances are added to :class:`LabeledFrame` objects. """ skeleton: Skeleton = attr.ib() track: Track = attr.ib(default=None) from_predicted: Optional["PredictedInstance"] = attr.ib(default=None) _points: PointArray = attr.ib(default=None) _nodes: List = attr.ib(default=None) frame: Union["LabeledFrame", None] = attr.ib(default=None) # The underlying Point array type that this instances point array should be. _point_array_type = PointArray @from_predicted.validator def _validate_from_predicted_( self, attribute, from_predicted: Optional["PredictedInstance"] ): """ Validation method called by attrs. Checks that from_predicted is None or :class:`PredictedInstance` Args: attribute: Attribute being validated; not used. from_predicted: Value being validated. Raises: TypeError: If from_predicted is anything other than None or a `PredictedInstance`. """ if from_predicted is not None and type(from_predicted) != PredictedInstance: raise TypeError( f"Instance.from_predicted type must be PredictedInstance (not {type(from_predicted)})" ) @_points.validator def _validate_all_points(self, attribute, points: Union[dict, PointArray]): """ Validation method called by attrs. Checks that all the _points defined for the skeleton are found in the skeleton. Args: attribute: Attribute being validated; not used. points: Either dict of points or PointArray If dict, keys should be node names. Raises: ValueError: If a point is associated with a skeleton node name that doesn't exist. Returns: None """ if type(points) is dict: is_string_dict = set(map(type, points)) == {str} if is_string_dict: for node_name in points.keys(): if not self.skeleton.has_node(node_name): raise KeyError( f"There is no node named {node_name} in {self.skeleton}" ) elif isinstance(points, PointArray): if len(points) != len(self.skeleton.nodes): raise ValueError( "PointArray does not have the same number of rows as skeleton nodes." ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Method called by attrs after __init__() Initializes points if none were specified when creating object, caches list of nodes so what we can still find points in array if the `Skeleton` changes. Args: None Raises: ValueError: If object has no `Skeleton`. Returns: None """ if not self.skeleton: raise ValueError("No skeleton set for Instance") # If the user did not pass a points list initialize a point array for future # points. if self._points is None or len(self._points) == 0: # Initialize an empty point array that is the size of the skeleton. self._points = self._point_array_type.make_default(len(self.skeleton.nodes)) else: if type(self._points) is dict: parray = self._point_array_type.make_default(len(self.skeleton.nodes)) Instance._points_dict_to_array(self._points, parray, self.skeleton) self._points = parray # Now that we've validated the points, cache the list of nodes # in the skeleton since the PointArray indexing will be linked # to this list even if nodes are removed from the skeleton. self._nodes = self.skeleton.nodes @staticmethod def _points_dict_to_array( points: Dict[Union[str, Node], Point], parray: PointArray, skeleton: Skeleton ): """ Sets values in given :class:`PointsArray` from dictionary. Args: points: The dictionary of points. Keys can be either node names or :class:`Node`s, values are :class:`Point`s. parray: The :class:`PointsArray` which is being updated. skeleton: The :class:`Skeleton` which contains the nodes referenced in the dictionary of points. Raises: ValueError: If dictionary keys are not either all strings or all :class:`Node`s. Returns: None """ # Check if the dict contains all strings is_string_dict = set(map(type, points)) == {str} # Check if the dict contains all Node objects is_node_dict = set(map(type, points)) == {Node} # If the user fed in a dict whose keys are strings, these are node names, # convert to node indices so we don't break references to skeleton nodes # if the node name is relabeled. if points and is_string_dict: points = {skeleton.find_node(name): point for name, point in points.items()} if not is_string_dict and not is_node_dict: raise ValueError( "points dictionary must be keyed by either strings " + "(node names) or Nodes." ) # Get rid of the points dict and replace with equivalent point array. for node, point in points.items(): # Convert PredictedPoint to Point if Instance if type(parray) == PointArray and type(point) == PredictedPoint: point = Point( x=point.x, y=point.y, visible=point.visible, complete=point.complete ) try: parray[skeleton.node_to_index(node)] = point # parray[skeleton.node_to_index(] = point except: pass def _node_to_index(self, node: Union[str, Node]) -> int: """ Helper method to get the index of a node from its name. Args: node: Node name or :class:`Node` object. Returns: The index of the node on skeleton graph. """ return self.skeleton.node_to_index(node) def __getitem__( self, node: Union[List[Union[str, Node]], Union[str, Node]] ) -> Union[List[Point], Point]: """ Get the Points associated with particular skeleton node(s). Args: node: A single node or list of nodes within the skeleton associated with this instance. Raises: KeyError: If node cannot be found in skeleton. Returns: Either a single point (if a single node given), or a list of points (if a list of nodes given) corresponding to each node. """ # If the node is a list of nodes, use get item recursively and return a list of _points. if type(node) is list: ret_list = [] for n in node: ret_list.append(self.__getitem__(n)) return ret_list try: node = self._node_to_index(node) return self._points[node] except ValueError: raise KeyError( f"The underlying skeleton ({self.skeleton}) has no node '{node}'" ) def __contains__(self, node: Union[str, Node]) -> bool: """ Whether this instance has a point with the specified node. Args: node: Node name or :class:`Node` object. Returns: bool: True if the point with the node name specified has a point in this instance. """ if isinstance(node, Node): node = if node not in self.skeleton: return False node_idx = self._node_to_index(node) # If the points are nan, then they haven't been allocated. return not self._points[node_idx].isnan() def __setitem__( self, node: Union[List[Union[str, Node]], Union[str, Node]], value: Union[List[Point], Point], ): """ Set the point(s) for given node(s). Args: node: Either node (by name or `Node`) or list of nodes. value: Either `Point` or list of `Point`s. Raises: IndexError: If lengths of lists don't match, or if exactly one of the inputs is a list. KeyError: If skeleton does not have (one of) the node(s). Returns: None """ # Make sure node and value, if either are lists, are of compatible size if type(node) is not list and type(value) is list and len(value) != 1: raise IndexError( "Node list for indexing must be same length and value list." ) if type(node) is list and type(value) is not list and len(node) != 1: raise IndexError( "Node list for indexing must be same length and value list." ) # If we are dealing with lists, do multiple assignment recursively, this should be ok because # skeletons and instances are small. if type(node) is list: for n, v in zip(node, value): self.__setitem__(n, v) else: try: node_idx = self._node_to_index(node) self._points[node_idx] = value except ValueError: raise KeyError( f"The underlying skeleton ({self.skeleton}) has no node '{node}'" ) def __delitem__(self, node: Union[str, Node]): """ Delete node key and points associated with that node. Args: node: Node name or :class:`Node` object. Raises: KeyError: If skeleton does not have the node. Returns: None """ try: node_idx = self._node_to_index(node) self._points[node_idx].x = math.nan self._points[node_idx].y = math.nan except ValueError: raise KeyError( f"The underlying skeleton ({self.skeleton}) has no node '{node}'" )
[docs] def matches(self, other: "Instance") -> bool: """ Whether two instances match by value. Checks the types, points, track, and frame index. Args: other: The other :class:`Instance`. Returns: True if match, False otherwise. """ if type(self) is not type(other): return False if list(self.points) != list(other.points): return False if not self.skeleton.matches(other.skeleton): return False if self.track and other.track and not self.track.matches(other.track): return False if self.track and not other.track or not self.track and other.track: return False # Make sure the frame indices match if not self.frame_idx == other.frame_idx: return False return True
@property def nodes(self) -> Tuple[Node, ...]: """ The tuple of nodes that have been labelled for this instance. """ self._fix_array() return tuple( self._nodes[i] for i, point in enumerate(self._points) if not point.isnan() and self._nodes[i] in self.skeleton.nodes ) @property def nodes_points(self) -> List[Tuple[Node, Point]]: """ The list of (node, point) tuples for all labelled points. """ names_to_points = dict(zip(self.nodes, self.points)) return names_to_points.items() @property def points(self) -> Tuple[Point, ...]: """ The tuple of labelled points, in order they were labelled. """ self._fix_array() return tuple(point for point in self._points if not point.isnan()) def _fix_array(self): """ Fixes PointArray after nodes have been added or removed. This updates the PointArray as required by comparing the cached list of nodes to the nodes in the `Skeleton` object (which may have changed). Returns: None """ # Check if cached skeleton nodes are different than current nodes if self._nodes != self.skeleton.nodes: # Create new PointArray (or PredictedPointArray) cls = type(self._points) new_array = cls.make_default(len(self.skeleton.nodes)) # Add points into new array for i, node in enumerate(self._nodes): if node in self.skeleton.nodes: new_array[self.skeleton.nodes.index(node)] = self._points[i] # Update points and nodes for this instance self._points = new_array self._nodes = self.skeleton.nodes
[docs] def get_points_array( self, copy: bool = True, invisible_as_nan: bool = False, full: bool = False ) -> Union[np.ndarray, np.recarray]: """ Return the instance's points in array form. Args: copy: If True, the return a copy of the points array as an ndarray. If False, return a view of the underlying recarray. invisible_as_nan: Should invisible points be marked as NaN. If copy is False, then invisible_as_nan is ignored since we don't want to set invisible points to NaNs in original data. full: If True, return all data for points. Otherwise, return just the x and y coordinates. Returns: Either a recarray (if copy is False) or an ndarray (if copy True). The order of the rows corresponds to the ordering of the skeleton nodes. Any skeleton node not defined will have NaNs present. Columns in recarray are accessed by name, e.g., ["x"], ["y"]. Columns in ndarray are accessed by number. The order matches the order in `Point.dtype` or `PredictedPoint.dtype`. """ self._fix_array() if not copy: if full: return self._points else: return self._points[["x", "y"]] else: if full: parray = structured_to_unstructured(self._points) else: parray = structured_to_unstructured(self._points[["x", "y"]]) # Note that invisible_as_nan assumes copy is True. if invisible_as_nan: parray[~self._points.visible] = math.nan return parray
@property def points_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Nx2 array of x and y for visible points. Row in array corresponds to order of points in skeleton. Invisible points will have nans. Returns: ndarray of visible point coordinates. """ return self.get_points_array(invisible_as_nan=True)
[docs] def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the instance node coordinates as a numpy array. Alias for `points_array`. Returns: Array of shape (n_nodes, 2) of dtype float32 containing the coordinates of the instance's nodes. Missing/not visible nodes will be replaced with NaNs. """ return self.points_array
[docs] def transform_points(self, transformation_matrix): """Applies transformation matrix to points.""" points = self.get_points_array(copy=True, full=False, invisible_as_nan=False) if transformation_matrix.shape[1] == 3: rotation = transformation_matrix[:, :2] translation = transformation_matrix[:, 2] transformed = points @ rotation.T + translation else: transformed = points @ transformation_matrix.T self._points["x"] = transformed[:, 0] self._points["y"] = transformed[:, 1]
@property def centroid(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns instance centroid as (x,y) numpy row vector.""" points = self.points_array centroid = np.nanmedian(points, axis=0) return centroid @property def bounding_box(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the instance's containing bounding box in [y1, x1, y2, x2] format.""" points = self.points_array bbox = np.concatenate( [np.nanmin(points, axis=0)[::-1], np.nanmax(points, axis=0)[::-1]] ) return bbox @property def n_visible_points(self) -> int: """Returns the count of points that are visible in this instance.""" return sum(~np.isnan(self.points_array[:, 0])) @property def frame_idx(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the index of the frame that this instance was found on. This is a convenience method for Instance.frame.frame_idx. Returns: The frame number this instance was found on, or None if the instance is not associated with frame. """ if self.frame is None: return None else: return self.frame.frame_idx
[docs] @classmethod def from_pointsarray( cls, points: np.ndarray, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None, ) -> "Instance": """Create an instance from pointsarray. Args: points: A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) and dtype float32 that contains the points in (x, y) coordinates of each node. Missing nodes should be represented as NaNs. skeleton: A sleap.Skeleton instance with n_nodes nodes to associate with the predicted instance. Returns: A new Instance. """ predicted_points = dict() for point, node_name in zip(points, skeleton.node_names): if np.isnan(point).any(): continue predicted_points[node_name] = Point(x=point[0], y=point[1]) return cls(points=predicted_points, skeleton=skeleton, track=track)
[docs]@attr.s(eq=False, order=False, slots=True) class PredictedInstance(Instance): """ A predicted instance is an output of the inference procedure. Args: score: The instance-level grouping prediction score. tracking_score: The instance-level track matching score. """ score: float = attr.ib(default=0.0, converter=float) tracking_score: float = attr.ib(default=0.0, converter=float) # The underlying Point array type that this instances point array should be. _point_array_type = PredictedPointArray def __attrs_post_init__(self): super(PredictedInstance, self).__attrs_post_init__() if self.from_predicted is not None: raise ValueError("PredictedInstance should not have from_predicted.") @property def points_and_scores_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """ (N, 3) array of (x, y, score) for predicted points. Row in arrow corresponds to order of points in skeleton. Invisible points will have NaNs. Returns: ndarray of visible point coordinates and scores. """ pts = self.get_points_array(full=True, copy=True, invisible_as_nan=True) return pts[:, (0, 1, 4)] # (x, y, score)
[docs] @classmethod def from_instance(cls, instance: Instance, score: float) -> "PredictedInstance": """ Create a :class:`PredictedInstance` from an :class:`Instance`. The fields are copied in a shallow manner with the exception of points. For each point in the instance a :class:`PredictedPoint` is created with score set to default value. Args: instance: The Instance object to shallow copy data from. score: The score for this instance. Returns: A PredictedInstance for the given Instance. """ kw_args = attr.asdict( instance, recurse=False, filter=lambda attr, value: not in ("_points", "_nodes"), ) kw_args["points"] = PredictedPointArray.from_array(instance._points) kw_args["score"] = score return cls(**kw_args)
[docs] @classmethod def from_arrays( cls, points: np.ndarray, point_confidences: np.ndarray, instance_score: float, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None, ) -> "PredictedInstance": """Create a predicted instance from data arrays. Args: points: A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) and dtype float32 that contains the points in (x, y) coordinates of each node. Missing nodes should be represented as NaNs. point_confidences: A numpy array of shape (n_nodes,) and dtype float32 that contains the confidence/score of the points. instance_score: Scalar float representing the overall instance score, e.g., the PAF grouping score. skeleton: A sleap.Skeleton instance with n_nodes nodes to associate with the predicted instance. Returns: A new PredictedInstance. """ predicted_points = dict() for point, confidence, node_name in zip( points, point_confidences, skeleton.node_names ): if np.isnan(point).any(): continue predicted_points[node_name] = PredictedPoint( x=point[0], y=point[1], score=confidence ) return cls( points=predicted_points, skeleton=skeleton, score=instance_score, track=track, )
[docs]def make_instance_cattr() -> cattr.Converter: """ Create a cattr converter for Lists of Instances/PredictedInstances. This is required because cattrs doesn't automatically detect the class when the attributes of one class are a subset of another. Returns: A cattr converter with hooks registered for structuring and unstructuring :class:`Instance` objects and :class:`PredictedInstance`s. """ converter = cattr.Converter() #### UNSTRUCTURE HOOKS # JSON dump cant handle NumPy bools so convert them. These are present # in Point/PredictedPoint objects now since they are actually custom numpy dtypes. converter.register_unstructure_hook(np.bool_, bool) converter.register_unstructure_hook(PointArray, lambda x: None) converter.register_unstructure_hook(PredictedPointArray, lambda x: None) def unstructure_instance(x: Instance): # Unstructure everything but the points array, nodes, and frame attribute d = { converter.unstructure(x.__getattribute__( for field in attr.fields(x.__class__) if not in ["_points", "_nodes", "frame"] } # Replace the point array with a dict d["_points"] = converter.unstructure({k: v for k, v in x.nodes_points}) return d converter.register_unstructure_hook(Instance, unstructure_instance) converter.register_unstructure_hook(PredictedInstance, unstructure_instance) ## STRUCTURE HOOKS def structure_points(x, type): if "score" in x.keys(): return cattr.structure(x, PredictedPoint) else: return cattr.structure(x, Point) converter.register_structure_hook(Union[Point, PredictedPoint], structure_points) # Function to determine object type for objects being structured. def structure_instances_list(x, type): inst_list = [] for inst_data in x: if "score" in inst_data.keys(): inst = converter.structure(inst_data, PredictedInstance) else: inst = converter.structure(inst_data, Instance) inst_list.append(inst) return inst_list converter.register_structure_hook( Union[List[Instance], List[PredictedInstance]], structure_instances_list ) converter.register_structure_hook( ForwardRef("PredictedInstance"), lambda x, type: converter.structure(x, PredictedInstance), ) # We can register structure hooks for point arrays that do nothing # because Instance can have a dict of points passed to it in place of # a PointArray def structure_point_array(x, t): if x: point1 = x[list(x.keys())[0]] if "score" in point1.keys(): return converter.structure(x, Dict[Node, PredictedPoint]) else: return converter.structure(x, Dict[Node, Point]) else: return {} converter.register_structure_hook(PointArray, structure_point_array) converter.register_structure_hook(PredictedPointArray, structure_point_array) return converter
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, eq=False) class LabeledFrame: """ Holds labeled data for a single frame of a video. Args: video: The :class:`Video` associated with this frame. frame_idx: The index of frame in video. """ video: Video = attr.ib() frame_idx: int = attr.ib(converter=int) _instances: Union[List[Instance], List[PredictedInstance]] = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory(list) ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Called by attrs. Updates :attribute:`Instance.frame` for each instance associated with this :class:`LabeledFrame`. """ # Make sure all instances have a reference to this frame for instance in self.instances: instance.frame = self def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns number of instances associated with frame.""" return len(self.instances) def __getitem__(self, index) -> Instance: """Returns instance (retrieved by index).""" return self.instances.__getitem__(index)
[docs] def index(self, value: Instance) -> int: """Returns index of given :class:`Instance`.""" return self.instances.index(value)
def __delitem__(self, index): """Removes instance (by index) from frame.""" value = self.instances.__getitem__(index) self.instances.__delitem__(index) # Modify the instance to remove reference to this frame value.frame = None
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: Instance): """ Adds instance to frame. Args: index: The index in list of frame instances where we should insert the new instance. value: The instance to associate with frame. Returns: None. """ self.instances.insert(index, value) # Modify the instance to have a reference back to this frame value.frame = self
def __setitem__(self, index, value: Instance): """ Sets nth instance in frame to the given instance. Args: index: The index of instance to replace with new instance. value: The new instance to associate with frame. Returns: None. """ self.instances.__setitem__(index, value) # Modify the instance to have a reference back to this frame value.frame = self
[docs] def find( self, track: Optional[Union[Track, int]] = -1, user: bool = False ) -> List[Instance]: """ Retrieves instances (if any) matching specifications. Args: track: The :class:`Track` to match. Note that None will only match instances where :attribute:`Instance.track` is None. If track is -1, then we'll match any track. user: Whether to only match user (non-predicted) instances. Returns: List of instances. """ instances = self.instances if user: instances = list(filter(lambda inst: type(inst) == Instance, instances)) if track != -1: # use -1 since we want to accept None as possible value instances = list(filter(lambda inst: inst.track == track, instances)) return instances
@property def instances(self) -> List[Instance]: """Returns list of all instances associated with this frame.""" return self._instances @instances.setter def instances(self, instances: List[Instance]): """ Sets the list of instances associated with this frame. Updates the `frame` attribute on each instance to the :class:`LabeledFrame` which will contain the instance. The list of instances replaces instances that were previously associated with frame. Args: instances: A list of instances associated with this frame. Returns: None """ # Make sure to set the frame for each instance to this LabeledFrame for instance in instances: instance.frame = self self._instances = instances @property def user_instances(self) -> List[Instance]: """Returns list of user instances associated with this frame.""" return [ inst for inst in self._instances if not isinstance(inst, PredictedInstance) ] @property def training_instances(self) -> List[Instance]: """Returns list of user instances with points for training.""" return [ inst for inst in self._instances if not isinstance(inst, PredictedInstance) and inst.n_visible_points ] @property def predicted_instances(self) -> List[PredictedInstance]: """Returns list of predicted instances associated with frame.""" return [inst for inst in self._instances if isinstance(inst, PredictedInstance)] @property def has_user_instances(self) -> bool: """Whether the frame contains any user instances.""" return len(self.user_instances) > 0 @property def has_predicted_instances(self) -> bool: """Whether the frame contains any predicted instances.""" return len(self.predicted_instances) > 0 @property def unused_predictions(self) -> List[Instance]: """ Returns list of "unused" :class:`PredictedInstance` objects in frame. This is all the :class:`PredictedInstance` objects which do not have a corresponding :class:`Instance` in the same track in frame. """ unused_predictions = [] any_tracks = [inst.track for inst in self._instances if inst.track is not None] if len(any_tracks): # use tracks to determine which predicted instances have been used used_tracks = [ inst.track for inst in self._instances if type(inst) == Instance and inst.track is not None ] unused_predictions = [ inst for inst in self._instances if inst.track not in used_tracks and type(inst) == PredictedInstance ] else: # use from_predicted to determine which predicted instances have been used # TODO: should we always do this instead of using tracks? used_instances = [ inst.from_predicted for inst in self._instances if inst.from_predicted is not None ] unused_predictions = [ inst for inst in self._instances if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst not in used_instances ] return unused_predictions @property def instances_to_show(self) -> List[Instance]: """ Return a list of instances to show in GUI for this frame. This list will not include any predicted instances for which there's a corresponding regular instance. Returns: List of instances to show in GUI. """ unused_predictions = self.unused_predictions inst_to_show = [ inst for inst in self._instances if type(inst) == Instance or inst in unused_predictions ] inst_to_show.sort( key=lambda inst: inst.track.spawned_on if inst.track is not None else math.inf ) return inst_to_show
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_frames( labeled_frames: List["LabeledFrame"], video: "Video", remove_redundant=True ) -> List["LabeledFrame"]: """Merged LabeledFrames for same video and frame index. Args: labeled_frames: List of :class:`LabeledFrame` objects to merge. video: The :class:`Video` for which to merge. This is specified so we don't have to check all frames when we already know which video has new labeled frames. remove_redundant: Whether to drop instances in the merged frames where there's a perfect match. Returns: The merged list of :class:`LabeledFrame`s. """ redundant_count = 0 frames_found = dict() # move instances into first frame with matching frame_idx for idx, lf in enumerate(labeled_frames): if == video: if lf.frame_idx in frames_found.keys(): # move instances dst_idx = frames_found[lf.frame_idx] if remove_redundant: for new_inst in lf.instances: redundant = False for old_inst in labeled_frames[dst_idx].instances: if new_inst.matches(old_inst): redundant = True if not hasattr(new_inst, "score"): redundant_count += 1 break if not redundant: labeled_frames[dst_idx].instances.append(new_inst) else: labeled_frames[dst_idx].instances.extend(lf.instances) lf.instances = [] else: # note first lf with this frame_idx frames_found[lf.frame_idx] = idx # remove labeled frames with no instances labeled_frames = list(filter(lambda lf: len(lf.instances), labeled_frames)) if redundant_count: print(f"skipped {redundant_count} redundant instances") return labeled_frames
[docs] @classmethod def complex_merge_between( cls, base_labels: "Labels", new_frames: List["LabeledFrame"] ) -> Tuple[Dict[Video, Dict[int, List[Instance]]], List[Instance], List[Instance]]: """ Merge data from new frames into a :class:`Labels` object. Everything that can be merged cleanly is merged, any conflicts are returned. Args: base_labels: The :class:`Labels` into which we are merging. new_frames: The list of :class:`LabeledFrame` objects from which we are merging. Returns: tuple of three items: * Dictionary, keys are :class:`Video`, values are dictionary in which keys are frame index (int) and value is list of :class:`Instance`s * list of conflicting :class:`Instance` objects from base * list of conflicting :class:`Instance` objects from new frames """ merged = dict() extra_base = [] extra_new = [] for new_frame in new_frames: base_lfs = base_labels.find(, new_frame.frame_idx) merged_instances = None # If the base doesn't have a frame corresponding this new # frame, then it can be merged cleanly. if not base_lfs: base_labels.labeled_frames.append(new_frame) merged_instances = new_frame.instances else: # There's a corresponding frame in the base labels, # so try merging the data. ( merged_instances, extra_base_frame, extra_new_frame, ) = cls.complex_frame_merge(base_lfs[0], new_frame) if extra_base_frame: extra_base.append(extra_base_frame) if extra_new_frame: extra_new.append(extra_new_frame) if merged_instances: if not in merged: merged[] = dict() merged[][new_frame.frame_idx] = merged_instances return merged, extra_base, extra_new
[docs] @classmethod def complex_frame_merge( cls, base_frame: "LabeledFrame", new_frame: "LabeledFrame" ) -> Tuple[List[Instance], List[Instance], List[Instance]]: """ Merge two frames, return conflicts if any. A conflict occurs when * each frame has Instances which don't perfectly match those in the other frame, or * each frame has PredictedInstances which don't perfectly match those in the other frame. Args: base_frame: The `LabeledFrame` into which we want to merge. new_frame: The `LabeledFrame` from which we want to merge. Returns: tuple of three items: * list of instances that were merged * list of conflicting instances from base * list of conflicting instances from new """ merged_instances = [] redundant_instances = [] extra_base_instances = copy(base_frame.instances) extra_new_instances = [] for new_inst in new_frame: redundant = False for base_inst in base_frame.instances: if new_inst.matches(base_inst): base_inst.frame = None extra_base_instances.remove(base_inst) redundant_instances.append(base_inst) redundant = True continue if not redundant: new_inst.frame = None extra_new_instances.append(new_inst) conflict = False if extra_base_instances and extra_new_instances: base_predictions = list( filter(lambda inst: hasattr(inst, "score"), extra_base_instances) ) new_predictions = list( filter(lambda inst: hasattr(inst, "score"), extra_new_instances) ) base_has_nonpred = len(extra_base_instances) - len(base_predictions) new_has_nonpred = len(extra_new_instances) - len(new_predictions) # If they both have some predictions or they both have some # non-predictions, then there is a conflict. # (Otherwise it's not a conflict since we can cleanly merge # all the predicted instances with all the non-predicted.) if base_predictions and new_predictions: conflict = True elif base_has_nonpred and new_has_nonpred: conflict = True if conflict: # Conflict, so update base to just include non-conflicting # instances (perfect matches) base_frame.instances.clear() base_frame.instances.extend(redundant_instances) else: # No conflict, so include all instances in base base_frame.instances.extend(extra_new_instances) merged_instances = copy(extra_new_instances) extra_base_instances = [] extra_new_instances = [] # Construct frames to hold any conflicting instances extra_base = ( cls(, frame_idx=base_frame.frame_idx, instances=extra_base_instances, ) if extra_base_instances else None ) extra_new = ( cls(, frame_idx=new_frame.frame_idx, instances=extra_new_instances, ) if extra_new_instances else None ) return merged_instances, extra_base, extra_new
@property def image(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the image for this frame of shape (height, width, channels).""" return
[docs] def plot(self, image: bool = True): """Plot the frame with all instances. Args: image: If False, only the instances will be plotted without loading the original image. Notes: See sleap.nn.viz.plot_img and sleap.nn.viz.plot_instances for more plotting options. """ if image: sleap.nn.viz.plot_img(self.image) sleap.nn.viz.plot_instances(self.instances)
[docs] def plot_predicted(self, image: bool = True): """Plot the frame with all predicted instances. Args: image: If False, only the instances will be plotted without loading the original image. Notes: See sleap.nn.viz.plot_img and sleap.nn.viz.plot_instances for more plotting options. """ if image: sleap.nn.viz.plot_img(self.image) sleap.nn.viz.plot_instances(self.predicted_instances)