Source code for

Support for loading video frames (by chunk) in background process.

from sleap import Video
from sleap.message import PairedSender, PairedReceiver

import cattr
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from multiprocessing import Process
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AsyncVideo: """Supports fetching chunks from video in background process.""" def __init__(self, base_port: int = 9010): self.base_port = base_port # Spawn the server as a background process self.server = AsyncVideoServer(self.base_port) self.server.start() # Create sender/receiver for sending requests and receiving data via ZMQ sender = PairedSender.from_tcp_ports(self.base_port, self.base_port + 1) result_receiver = PairedReceiver.from_tcp_ports( send_port=self.base_port + 2, rec_port=self.base_port + 3 ) sender.setup() result_receiver.setup() self.sender = sender self.receiver = result_receiver # Use "handshake" to ensure that initial messages aren't dropped self.handshake_success = sender.send_handshake()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the async video server and communication ports.""" if self.sender and self.server: self.sender.send_dict(dict(stop=True)) self.server.join() self.server = None if self.sender: self.sender.close() self.sender = None if self.receiver: self.receiver.close() self.receiver = None
def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] @classmethod def from_video( cls, video: Video, frame_idxs: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, frames_per_chunk: int = 64, ) -> "AsyncVideo": """Create object and start loading frames in background process.""" obj = cls() obj.load_by_chunk( video=video, frame_idxs=frame_idxs, frames_per_chunk=frames_per_chunk ) return obj
[docs] def load_by_chunk( self, video: Video, frame_idxs: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, frames_per_chunk: int = 64, ): """ Sends request for loading video in background process. Args: video: The :py:class:`Video` to load frame_idxs: Frame indices we want to load; if None, then full video is loaded. frames_per_chunk: How many frames to load per chunk. Returns: None, data should be accessed via :py:method:`chunks`. """ # prime the video since this seems to make frames load faster (!?) video.test_frame request_dict = dict( video=cattr.unstructure(video), frames_per_chunk=frames_per_chunk ) # if no frames are specified, whole video will be loaded if frame_idxs is not None: request_dict["frame_idxs"] = list(frame_idxs) # send the request self.sender.send_dict(request_dict)
@property def chunks(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[int], np.ndarray]]: """ Generator for fetching chunks of frames. When all chunks are loaded, closes the server and communication ports. Yields: Tuple with (list of frame indices, ndarray of frames) """ done = False while not done: results = self.receiver.check_messages() if results: for result in results: yield result["frame_idxs"], result["ndarray"] if result["chunk"] == result["last_chunk"]: done = True # automatically close when all chunks have been received self.close()
[docs]class AsyncVideoServer(Process): """ Class which loads video frames in background on request. All interactions with video server should go through :py:class:`AsyncVideo` which runs in local thread. """ def __init__(self, base_port: int): super(AsyncVideoServer, self).__init__() = None self.base_port = base_port
[docs] def run(self): receiver = PairedReceiver.from_tcp_ports(self.base_port + 1, self.base_port) receiver.setup() result_sender = PairedSender.from_tcp_ports( send_port=self.base_port + 3, rec_port=self.base_port + 2 ) result_sender.setup() running = True while running: requests = receiver.check_messages() if requests: for request in requests: if "stop" in request: running = False logger.debug("stopping async video server") break if "video" in request: = cattr.structure(request["video"], Video) logger.debug(f"loaded video: {}") if is not None: if "frames_per_chunk" in request: load_time = 0 send_time = 0 per_chunk = request["frames_per_chunk"] frame_idxs = request.get( "frame_idxs", list(range( ) frame_count = len(frame_idxs) chunks = ceil(frame_count / per_chunk) for chunk_idx in range(chunks): start = per_chunk * chunk_idx end = min(per_chunk * (chunk_idx + 1), frame_count) chunk_frame_idxs = frame_idxs[start:end] # load the frames t0 = time.time() frames =[chunk_frame_idxs] t1 = time.time() load_time += t1 - t0 metadata = dict( chunk=chunk_idx, last_chunk=chunks - 1, frame_idxs=chunk_frame_idxs, ) # send back results t0 = time.time() result_sender.send_array(metadata, frames) t1 = time.time() send_time += t1 - t0 logger.debug(f"returned chunk: {chunk_idx+1}/{chunks}") logger.debug(f"total load time: {load_time}") logger.debug(f"total send time: {send_time}") else: logger.warning( "unable to process message since no video loaded" ) logger.warning(request)