Source code for

File object which can be passed to adaptors.

We use this since multiple file adaptors may need to open/read the file while
dispatch is determining which adaptor to use, and the `FileHandle` allows us
to keep any results from previous reads.
import os
from typing import Optional

import attr
import h5py

from sleap.util import json_loads

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class FileHandle(object): """Reference to a file; can hold loaded data so it needn't be read twice.""" filename: str _is_hdf5: bool = False _is_json: Optional[bool] = None _is_open: bool = False _file: object = None _text: str = None _json: object = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.close()
[docs] def open(self): """Opens the file (if it's not already open).""" if not os.path.exists(self.filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {self.filename}") if self._file is None: try: self._file = h5py.File(self.filename, "r") self._is_hdf5 = True except OSError as e: # We get OSError when trying to read non-HDF5 file with h5py pass if self._file is None: self._file = open(self.filename, "r") self._is_hdf5 = False
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the file.""" if self._file is not None: self._file.close()
@property def file(self): """The raw file object.""" return self._file @property def text(self): """The text from a text file.""" if self._text is None: self._text = return self._text @property def json(self): """The loaded JSON dictionary (for a JSON file).""" if self._json is None: self._json = json_loads(self.text) return self._json @property def is_json(self): """Whether file is JSON.""" if self._is_json is None: try: self.json self._is_json = True except Exception as e: self._is_json = False return self._is_json @property def is_hdf5(self): """Whether file is HDF5.""" return self._is_hdf5 @property def format_id(self): """ Returns an ID from the metadata we store in some HDF5 or JSON formats. This can be used if we need to distinguish multiple formats with a common underlying file type, e.g., HDF5-based file formats. See `LabelsV1Adaptor` for an example (the format id is here used to determine whether to convert from "gridline" to "midpixel" coordinates). """ if self.is_hdf5: if "metadata" in self.file: meta_group = self.file.require_group("metadata") if "format_id" in meta_group.attrs: return meta_group.attrs["format_id"] elif self.is_json: if "format_id" in self.json: return self.json["format_id"] return None