Source code for

Adaptor for reading/writing old, JSON dataset format (kind of deprecated).

This supports reading and writing both `.json` and ``. The zip allows
you to include image files, in imgstore videos. A better option now is to save
a single HDF5 file which include both the SLEAP dataset (i.e., `Labels`) and
also the videos/frames as HDF5 datasets.
import atexit
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, List, Callable, Text

import cattr

from .adaptor import Adaptor, SleapObjectType
from .filehandle import FileHandle

from sleap import Labels, Video
from sleap.gui.suggestions import SuggestionFrame
from sleap.instance import (
from import load_labels_json_old
from sleap.skeleton import Node, Skeleton
from sleap.util import json_loads, json_dumps, weak_filename_match

[docs]class LabelsJsonAdaptor(Adaptor): FORMAT_ID = 1 @property def handles(self): return SleapObjectType.labels @property def default_ext(self): return "json" @property def all_exts(self): return ["json", ""] @property def name(self): return "Labels JSON"
[docs] def can_read_file(self, file: FileHandle): if not self.does_match_ext(file.filename): print(f"{file.filename} doesn't match ext for json or") return False if file.filename.endswith(".zip"): # We can't check inside zip so assume it's correct return True if not file.is_json: return False if file.format_id not in (None, self.FORMAT_ID): return False return True
[docs] def can_write_filename(self, filename: str): return self.does_match_ext(filename)
[docs] def does_read(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def does_write(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, file: FileHandle, video_search: Union[Callable, List[Text], None] = None, match_to: Optional[Labels] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Labels: pass """ Deserialize JSON file as new :class:`Labels` instance. Args: filename: Path to JSON file. video_callback: A callback function that which can modify video paths before we try to create the corresponding :class:`Video` objects. Usually you'll want to pass a callback created by :meth:`make_video_callback` or :meth:`make_gui_video_callback`. Alternately, if you pass a list of strings we'll construct a non-gui callback with those strings as the search paths. match_to: If given, we'll replace particular objects in the data dictionary with *matching* objects in the match_to :class:`Labels` object. This ensures that the newly instantiated :class:`Labels` can be merged without duplicate matching objects (e.g., :class:`Video` objects ). Returns: A new :class:`Labels` object. """ tmp_dir = None filename = file.filename # Check if the file is a zipfile for not. if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): # Make a tmpdir, located in the directory that the file exists, to unzip # its contents. tmp_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(filename), f"tmp_{os.getpid()}_{os.path.basename(filename)}", ) if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) try: os.mkdir(tmp_dir) except FileExistsError: pass # tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.path.dirname(filename)) try: # Register a cleanup routine that deletes the tmpdir on program exit # if something goes wrong. The True is for ignore_errors atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tmp_dir, True) # Uncompress the data into the directory shutil.unpack_archive(filename, extract_dir=tmp_dir) # We can now open the JSON file, save the zip file and # replace file with the first JSON file we find in the archive. json_files = [ os.path.join(tmp_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if file.endswith(".json") ] if len(json_files) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No JSON file found inside {filename}. Are you sure this is a valid sLEAP dataset." ) filename = json_files[0] except Exception as ex: # If we had problems, delete the temp directory and reraise the exception. shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) raise # Open and parse the JSON in filename with open(filename, "r") as file: # FIXME: Peek into the json to see if there is version string. # We do this to tell apart old JSON data from leap_dev vs the # newer format for sLEAP. json_str = dicts = json_loads(json_str) # If we have a version number, then it is new sLEAP format if "version" in dicts: # Cache the working directory. cwd = os.getcwd() # Replace local video paths (for imagestore) if tmp_dir: for vid in dicts["videos"]: vid["backend"]["filename"] = os.path.join( tmp_dir, vid["backend"]["filename"] ) # Use the video_callback for finding videos with broken paths: # 1. Accept single string as video search path if isinstance(video_search, str): video_search = [video_search] # 2. Accept list of strings as video search paths if hasattr(video_search, "__iter__"): # If the callback is an iterable, then we'll expect it to be a # list of strings and build a non-gui callback with those as # the search paths. # When path is to a file, use the path of parent directory. search_paths = [ os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.isfile(path) else path for path in video_search ] # Make the search function from list of paths video_search = Labels.make_video_callback(search_paths) # 3. Use the callback function (either given as arg or build from paths) if callable(video_search): abort = video_search(dicts["videos"]) if abort: raise FileNotFoundError # Try to load the labels filename. try: labels = cls.from_json_data(dicts, match_to=match_to) except FileNotFoundError: # FIXME: We are going to the labels JSON that has references to # video files. Lets change directory to the dirname of the json file # so that relative paths will be from this directory. Maybe # it is better to feed the dataset dirname all the way down to # the Video object. This seems like less coupling between classes # though. if os.path.dirname(filename) != "": os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filename)) # Try again labels = cls.from_json_data(dicts, match_to=match_to) except Exception as ex: # Ok, we give up, where the hell are these videos! raise # Re-raise. finally: os.chdir(cwd) # Make sure to change back if we have problems. return labels else: frames = load_labels_json_old(data_path=filename, parsed_json=dicts) return Labels(frames)
[docs] @classmethod def write( cls, filename: str, source_object: str, compress: Optional[bool] = None, save_frame_data: bool = False, frame_data_format: str = "png", ): """ Save a Labels instance to a JSON format. Args: filename: The filename to save the data to. source_object: The labels dataset to save. compress: Whether the data be zip compressed or not? If True, the JSON will be compressed using Python's shutil.make_archive command into a PKZIP zip file. If compress is True then filename will have a .zip appended to it. save_frame_data: Whether to save the image data for each frame. For each video in the dataset, all frames that have labels will be stored as an imgstore dataset. If save_frame_data is True then compress will be forced to True since the archive must contain both the JSON data and image data stored in ImgStores. frame_data_format: If save_frame_data is True, then this argument is used to set the data format to use when writing frame data to ImgStore objects. Supported formats should be: * 'pgm', * 'bmp', * 'ppm', * 'tif', * 'png', * 'jpg', * 'npy', * 'mjpeg/avi', * 'h264/mkv', * 'avc1/mp4' Note: 'h264/mkv' and 'avc1/mp4' require separate installation of these codecs on your system. They are excluded from SLEAP because of their GPL license. Returns: None """ labels = source_object if compress is None: compress = filename.endswith(".zip") # Lets make a temporary directory to store the image frame data or pre-compressed json # in case we need it. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: # If we are saving frame data along with the datasets. We will replace videos with # new video object that represent video data from just the labeled frames. if save_frame_data: # Create a set of new Video objects with imgstore backends. One for each # of the videos. We will only include the labeled frames though. We will # then replace each video with this new video new_videos = labels.save_frame_data_imgstore( output_dir=tmp_dir, format=frame_data_format ) # Make video paths relative for vid in new_videos: tmp_path = vid.filename # Get the parent dir of the YAML file. # Use "/" since this works on Windows and posix img_store_dir = ( os.path.basename(os.path.split(tmp_path)[0]) + "/" + os.path.basename(tmp_path) ) # Change to relative path vid.backend.filename = img_store_dir # Convert to a dict, not JSON yet, because we need to patch up the videos d = labels.to_dict() d["videos"] = Video.cattr().unstructure(new_videos) else: d = labels.to_dict() # Set file format version d["format_id"] = cls.FORMAT_ID if compress or save_frame_data: # Ensure that filename ends with .json # shutil will append .zip filename = re.sub("(\.json)?(\.zip)?$", ".json", filename) # Write the json to the tmp directory, we will zip it up with the frame data. full_out_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) json_dumps(d, full_out_filename) # Create the archive shutil.make_archive(base_name=filename, root_dir=tmp_dir, format="zip") # If the user doesn't want to compress, then just write the json to the filename else: json_dumps(d, filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_data( cls, data: Union[str, dict], match_to: Optional["Labels"] = None ) -> "Labels": """ Create instance of class from data in dictionary. Method is used by other methods that load from JSON. Args: data: Dictionary, deserialized from JSON. match_to: If given, we'll replace particular objects in the data dictionary with *matching* objects in the match_to :class:`Labels` object. This ensures that the newly instantiated :class:`Labels` can be merged without duplicate matching objects (e.g., :class:`Video` objects ). Returns: A new :class:`Labels` object. """ # Parse the json string if needed. if type(data) is str: dicts = json_loads(data) else: dicts = data dicts["tracks"] = dicts.get( "tracks", [] ) # don't break if json doesn't include tracks # First, deserialize the skeletons, videos, and nodes lists. # The labels reference these so we will need them while deserializing. nodes = cattr.structure(dicts["nodes"], List[Node]) idx_to_node = {i: nodes[i] for i in range(len(nodes))} skeletons = Skeleton.make_cattr(idx_to_node).structure( dicts["skeletons"], List[Skeleton] ) videos = Video.cattr().structure(dicts["videos"], List[Video]) try: # First try unstructuring tuple (newer format) track_cattr = cattr.Converter( unstruct_strat=cattr.UnstructureStrategy.AS_TUPLE ) tracks = track_cattr.structure(dicts["tracks"], List[Track]) except: # Then try unstructuring dict (older format) try: tracks = cattr.structure(dicts["tracks"], List[Track]) except: raise ValueError("Unable to load tracks as tuple or dict!") # if we're given a Labels object to match, use its objects when they match if match_to is not None: for idx, sk in enumerate(skeletons): for old_sk in match_to.skeletons: if sk.matches(old_sk): # use nodes from matched skeleton for (node, match_node) in zip(sk.nodes, old_sk.nodes): node_idx = nodes.index(node) nodes[node_idx] = match_node # use skeleton from match skeletons[idx] = old_sk break for idx, vid in enumerate(videos): for old_vid in match_to.videos: # compare last three parts of path if vid.filename == old_vid.filename or weak_filename_match( vid.filename, old_vid.filename ): # use video from match videos[idx] = old_vid break suggestions = [] if "suggestions" in dicts: suggestions_cattr = cattr.Converter() suggestions_cattr.register_structure_hook( Video, lambda x, type: videos[int(x)] ) try: suggestions = suggestions_cattr.structure( dicts["suggestions"], List[SuggestionFrame] ) except Exception as e: print("Error while loading suggestions (1)") print(e) try: # Convert old suggestion format to new format. # Old format: {video: list of frame indices} # New format: [SuggestionFrames] old_suggestions = suggestions_cattr.structure( dicts["suggestions"], Dict[Video, List] ) for video in old_suggestions.keys(): suggestions.extend( [ SuggestionFrame(video, idx) for idx in old_suggestions[video] ] ) except Exception as e: print("Error while loading suggestions (2)") print(e) pass if "negative_anchors" in dicts: negative_anchors_cattr = cattr.Converter() negative_anchors_cattr.register_structure_hook( Video, lambda x, type: videos[int(x)] ) negative_anchors = negative_anchors_cattr.structure( dicts["negative_anchors"], Dict[Video, List] ) else: negative_anchors = dict() if "provenance" in dicts: provenance = dicts["provenance"] else: provenance = dict() # If there is actual labels data, get it. if "labels" in dicts: label_cattr = make_instance_cattr() label_cattr.register_structure_hook( Skeleton, lambda x, type: skeletons[int(x)] ) label_cattr.register_structure_hook(Video, lambda x, type: videos[int(x)]) label_cattr.register_structure_hook( Node, lambda x, type: x if isinstance(x, Node) else nodes[int(x)] ) label_cattr.register_structure_hook( Track, lambda x, type: None if x is None else tracks[int(x)] ) labels = label_cattr.structure(dicts["labels"], List[LabeledFrame]) else: labels = [] return Labels( labeled_frames=labels, videos=videos, skeletons=skeletons, nodes=nodes, suggestions=suggestions, negative_anchors=negative_anchors, tracks=tracks, provenance=provenance, )