Source code for

Utilities for working with file paths.

import os
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Text, Tuple

from sleap import util

[docs]def list_file_missing(filenames): """Given a list of filenames, returns list of whether file exists.""" return [not os.path.exists(filename) for filename in filenames]
[docs]def filenames_prefix_change( filenames, old_prefix, new_prefix, missing: bool = None, confirm_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ): """ Finds missing files by changing the initial part of paths. Args: filenames: The list of filenames, needn't all be missing. old_prefix: Initial part of path to replace. new_prefix: Initial part with which to replace it. missing: List of which files are known to be missing; if not given, then we'll check each file. confirm_callback: If given, then we'll call this before applying change to confirm that user wants to apply the change. Returns: None; `filenames` (and `missing`, if given) have new data. """ if not filenames or not old_prefix or not new_prefix: return # Ask for confirmation if there's a confirmation callback given need_to_ask = True if callable(confirm_callback) else False # Try changing every filename unless we're given list of which are missing check = missing if missing else [True] * len(filenames) # Just to be on the safe side, make sure this list covers all filenames if len(check) < len(filenames): check.extend([True] * (len(filenames) - len(check))) for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): if check[i]: if filename.startswith(old_prefix): try_filename = filename.replace(old_prefix, new_prefix) try_filename = fix_path_separator(try_filename) if os.path.exists(try_filename): # Check if user would like to apply change to all paths # with the same initial segment. if need_to_ask and not confirm_callback(): return # We're still here, so we can go ahead and replace need_to_ask = False filenames[i] = try_filename check[i] = False # Save prefix change in config file so that it can be used # automatically in the future save_path_prefix_replacement(old_prefix, new_prefix)
def fix_path_separator(path: str): return path.replace("\\", "/")
[docs]def find_changed_subpath(old_path: str, new_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Finds the smallest initial section of path that was changed. Args: old_path: Old path new_path: New path Returns: (initial part of old path), (corresponding replacement in new path) """ seps = ("/", "\\") # Find overlap at end of paths old_common = "" new_char_idx = -1 for old_char_idx in range(len(old_path) - 1, 0, -1): old_char = old_path[old_char_idx] new_char = new_path[new_char_idx] if old_char == new_char or old_char in seps and new_char in seps: old_common = old_char + old_common new_char_idx -= 1 else: break # Get the initial part of the old path which was replaced, and the # initial part of the new path which replaced it. old_initial = old_path[: old_char_idx + 1] new_inital = new_path[: new_char_idx + 1] if new_char_idx < -1 else new_path return (old_initial, new_inital)
def fix_paths_with_saved_prefix( filenames, missing: Optional[List[bool]] = None, path_prefix_conversions: Optional[Dict[Text, Text]] = None, ): if path_prefix_conversions is None: path_prefix_conversions = util.get_config_yaml("path_prefixes.yaml") if path_prefix_conversions is None: return for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): if missing is not None: if not missing[i]: continue elif os.path.exists(filename): continue for old_prefix, new_prefix in path_prefix_conversions.items(): if filename.startswith(old_prefix): try_filename = filename.replace(old_prefix, new_prefix) try_filename = fix_path_separator(try_filename) if os.path.exists(try_filename): filenames[i] = try_filename if missing is not None: missing[i] = False continue def save_path_prefix_replacement(old_prefix: str, new_prefix: str): data = util.get_config_yaml("path_prefixes.yaml") or dict() data[old_prefix] = new_prefix util.save_config_yaml("path_prefixes.yaml", data)