Source code for

Module for generating videos with visual annotation overlays.

from import Video
from import VideoWriter
from import Labels
from sleap.gui.color import ColorManager
from sleap.util import usable_cpu_count

import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
import math
from collections import deque
from time import time, clock
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Object that signals shutdown
_sentinel = object()

[docs]def reader(out_q: Queue, video: Video, frames: List[int], scale: float = 1.0): """Read frame images from video and send them into queue. Args: out_q: Queue to send (list of frame indexes, ndarray of frame images) for chunks of video. video: The `Video` object to read. frames: Full list frame indexes we want to read. scale: Output scale for frame images. Returns: None. """ cv2.setNumThreads(usable_cpu_count()) total_count = len(frames) chunk_size = 64 chunk_count = math.ceil(total_count / chunk_size)"Chunks: {chunk_count}, chunk size: {chunk_size}") i = 0 for chunk_i in range(chunk_count): # Read the next chunk of frames frame_start = chunk_size * chunk_i frame_end = min(frame_start + chunk_size, total_count) frames_idx_chunk = frames[frame_start:frame_end] t0 = clock() # Safely load frames from video, skipping frames we can't load loaded_chunk_idxs, video_frame_images = video.get_frames_safely( frames_idx_chunk ) if not loaded_chunk_idxs: print(f"No frames could be loaded from chunk {chunk_i}") i += 1 continue if scale != 1.0: video_frame_images = resize_images(video_frame_images, scale) elapsed = clock() - t0 fps = len(loaded_chunk_idxs) / elapsed logger.debug(f"reading chunk {i} in {elapsed} s = {fps} fps") i += 1 out_q.put((loaded_chunk_idxs, video_frame_images)) # send _sentinal object into queue to signal that we're done out_q.put(_sentinel)
[docs]def writer( in_q: Queue, progress_queue: Queue, filename: str, fps: float, ): """Write annotated images to video. Image size is determined by the first image received in queue. Args: in_q: Queue with annotated images as (images, h, w, channels) ndarray progress_queue: Queue to send progress as (total frames written: int, elapsed time: float). Send (-1, elapsed time) when done. filename: full path to output video fps: frames per second for output video Returns: None. """ cv2.setNumThreads(usable_cpu_count()) writer_object = None total_elapsed = 0 total_frames_written = 0 start_time = clock() i = 0 while True: data = in_q.get() if data is _sentinel: # no more data to be received so stop in_q.put(_sentinel) break if writer_object is None and data: h, w = data[0].shape[:2] writer_object = VideoWriter.safe_builder( filename, height=h, width=w, fps=fps ) t0 = clock() for img in data: writer_object.add_frame(img, bgr=True) elapsed = clock() - t0 fps = len(data) / elapsed logger.debug(f"writing chunk {i} in {elapsed} s = {fps} fps") i += 1 total_frames_written += len(data) total_elapsed = clock() - start_time progress_queue.put((total_frames_written, total_elapsed)) writer_object.close() # send (-1, time) to signal done progress_queue.put((-1, total_elapsed))
[docs]class VideoMarkerThread(Thread): """Annotate frame images (draw instances). Args: in_q: Queue with (list of frame indexes, ndarray of frame images). out_q: Queue to send annotated images as (images, h, w, channels) ndarray. labels: the `Labels` object from which to get data for annotating. video_idx: index of `Video` in `labels.videos` list. scale: scale of image (so we can scale point locations to match) show_edges: whether to draw lines between nodes color_manager: ColorManager object which determine what colors to use for what instance/node/edge """ def __init__( self, in_q: Queue, out_q: Queue, labels: Labels, video_idx: int, scale: float, show_edges: bool = True, crop_size_xy: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, color_manager: Optional[ColorManager] = None, ): super(VideoMarkerThread, self).__init__() self.in_q = in_q self.out_q = out_q self.labels = labels self.video_idx = video_idx self.scale = scale self.show_edges = show_edges if color_manager is None: color_manager = ColorManager(labels=labels) color_manager.color_predicted = True self.color_manager = color_manager self.node_line_width = self.color_manager.get_item_type_pen_width("node") self.edge_line_width = self.color_manager.get_item_type_pen_width("edge") # fixme: these widths are based on *screen* pixels, so we'll adjust # them since we want *video* pixels. self.node_line_width = max(1, self.node_line_width // 2) self.edge_line_width = max(1, self.node_line_width // 2) unscaled_marker_radius = 3 self.marker_radius = max(1, int(unscaled_marker_radius // (1 / scale))) self.crop = False if crop_size_xy: self.crop = True self.crop_w, self.crop_h = crop_size_xy self._crop_centers = deque(maxlen=5) # use running avg for smoother crops else: self.crop_h = 0 self.crop_w = 0 self._crop_centers = []
[docs] def run(self): # when thread starts, start loop to receive images (from reader), # draw things on the images, and pass them along (to writer) self.marker()
def marker(self): cv2.setNumThreads(usable_cpu_count()) chunk_i = 0 while True: data = self.in_q.get() if data is _sentinel: # no more data to be received so stop self.in_q.put(_sentinel) break frames_idx_chunk, video_frame_images = data t0 = clock() imgs = self._mark_images( frame_indices=frames_idx_chunk, frame_images=video_frame_images, ) elapsed = clock() - t0 fps = len(imgs) / elapsed logger.debug(f"drawing chunk {chunk_i} in {elapsed} s = {fps} fps") chunk_i += 1 self.out_q.put(imgs) # send _sentinal object into queue to signal that we're done self.out_q.put(_sentinel) def _mark_images(self, frame_indices, frame_images): imgs = [] for i, frame_idx in enumerate(frame_indices): img = self._mark_single_frame( video_frame=frame_images[i], frame_idx=frame_idx ) imgs.append(img) return imgs def _mark_single_frame(self, video_frame: np.ndarray, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns single annotated frame image. Args: video_frame: The ndarray of the frame image. frame_idx: Index of frame in video. Returns: ndarray of frame image with visual annotations added. """ # Use OpenCV to convert to BGR color image video_frame = img_to_cv(video_frame) # Add the instances to the image return self._plot_instances_cv(video_frame, frame_idx) def _plot_instances_cv( self, img: np.ndarray, frame_idx: int, ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Adds visuals annotations to single frame image. Args: img: The ndarray of the frame image. frame_idx: Index of frame in video. Returns: ndarray of frame image with visual annotations added. """ labels = self.labels video_idx = self.video_idx lfs = labels.find(labels.videos[video_idx], frame_idx) if len(lfs) == 0: return self._crop_frame(img) if self.crop else img instances = lfs[0].instances_to_show offset = None if self.crop: img, offset = self._crop_frame(img, instances) for instance in instances: self._plot_instance_cv(img, instance, offset) return img def _get_crop_center( self, img: np.ndarray, instances: Optional[List["Instance"]] = None ) -> Tuple[int, int]: if instances: centroids = np.array([inst.centroid for inst in instances]) center_xy = np.median(centroids, axis=0) self._crop_centers.append(center_xy) elif not self._crop_centers: # no crops so far and no instances yet so just use image center img_w, img_h = img.shape[:2] center_xy = img_w // 2, img_h // 2 self._crop_centers.append(center_xy) # use a running average of the last N centers to smooth movement center_xy = tuple(np.mean(np.stack(self._crop_centers), axis=0)) return center_xy def _crop_frame( self, img: np.ndarray, instances: Optional[List["Instance"]] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Tuple[int, int]]: center_xy = self._get_crop_center(img, instances) return self._crop_img(img, center_xy) def _crop_img( self, img: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[int, int] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Tuple[int, int]]: img_w, img_h = img.shape[:2] # fixme? center_x, center_y = center_xy # Adjust center (on original coordinates) to scaled image coordinages center_x = center_x // (1 / self.scale) center_y = center_y // (1 / self.scale) # Find center, ensuring we're within top/left bounds for image crop_x0 = max(0, int(center_x - self.crop_w // 2)) crop_y0 = max(0, int(center_y - self.crop_h // 2)) # And ensure that we're within bottom/right bounds for image if crop_x0 + self.crop_w > img_w: crop_x0 = img_w - self.crop_w if crop_y0 + self.crop_h > img_h: crop_y0 = img_h - self.crop_h offset = crop_x0, crop_y0 crop_x1 = crop_x0 + self.crop_w crop_y1 = crop_y0 + self.crop_h img = img[crop_y0:crop_y1, crop_x0:crop_x1, ...] return img, offset def _plot_instance_cv( self, img: np.ndarray, instance: "Instance", offset: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ): """ Add visual annotations for single instance. Args: img: The ndarray of the frame image. instance: The :class:`Instance` to add to frame image. Returns: None; modifies img in place. """ scale = self.scale nodes = instance.skeleton.nodes # Get matrix of all point locations points_array = instance.points_array # Rescale point locations points_array *= scale # Shift point locations (offset is for *scaled* coordinates) if offset: points_array -= offset for node_idx, (x, y) in enumerate(points_array): node = nodes[node_idx] node_color_bgr = self.color_manager.get_item_color(node, instance)[::-1] # Make sure this is a valid and visible point if not has_nans(x, y): # Convert to ints for opencv (now that we know these aren't nans) x, y = int(x), int(y) # Draw circle to mark node img=img, center=(x, y), radius=self.marker_radius, color=node_color_bgr, thickness=self.node_line_width, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) if self.show_edges: for (src, dst) in instance.skeleton.edge_inds: # Get points for the nodes connected by this edge src_x, src_y = points_array[src] dst_x, dst_y = points_array[dst] edge = (nodes[src], nodes[dst]) edge_color_bgr = self.color_manager.get_item_color(edge, instance)[::-1] # Make sure that both nodes are present in this instance before drawing edge if not has_nans(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y): # Convert to ints for opencv src_x, src_y = int(src_x), int(src_y) dst_x, dst_y = int(dst_x), int(dst_y) # Draw line to mark edge between nodes cv2.line( img=img, pt1=(src_x, src_y), pt2=(dst_x, dst_y), color=edge_color_bgr, thickness=self.edge_line_width, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, )
[docs]def save_labeled_video( filename: str, labels: Labels, video: Video, frames: List[int], fps: int = 15, scale: float = 1.0, crop_size_xy: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, show_edges: bool = True, color_manager: Optional[ColorManager] = None, gui_progress: bool = False, ): """Function to generate and save video with annotations. Args: filename: Output filename. labels: The dataset from which to get data. video: The source :class:`Video` we want to annotate. frames: List of frames to include in output video. fps: Frames per second for output video. scale: scale of image (so we can scale point locations to match) crop_size_xy: size of crop around instances, or None for full images show_edges: whether to draw lines between nodes color_manager: ColorManager object which determine what colors to use for what instance/node/edge gui_progress: Whether to show Qt GUI progress dialog. Returns: None. """ print(f"Writing video with {len(frames)} frame images...") t0 = clock() q1 = Queue(maxsize=10) q2 = Queue(maxsize=10) progress_queue = Queue() thread_read = Thread(target=reader, args=(q1, video, frames, scale)) thread_mark = VideoMarkerThread( in_q=q1, out_q=q2, labels=labels, video_idx=labels.videos.index(video), scale=scale, show_edges=show_edges, crop_size_xy=crop_size_xy, color_manager=color_manager, ) thread_write = Thread(target=writer, args=(q2, progress_queue, filename, fps),) thread_read.start() thread_mark.start() thread_write.start() progress_win = None if gui_progress: from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore progress_win = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog( f"Generating video with {len(frames)} frames...", "Cancel", 0, len(frames) ) progress_win.setMinimumWidth(300) progress_win.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) while True: frames_complete, elapsed = progress_queue.get() if frames_complete == -1: break if progress_win is not None and progress_win.wasCanceled(): break fps = frames_complete / elapsed remaining_frames = len(frames) - frames_complete remaining_time = remaining_frames / fps if gui_progress: progress_win.setValue(frames_complete) else: print( f"Finished {frames_complete} frames in {elapsed} s, fps = {fps}, approx {remaining_time} s remaining" ) elapsed = clock() - t0 fps = len(frames) / elapsed print(f"Done in {elapsed} s, fps = {fps}.")
def has_nans(*vals): return any((np.isnan(val) for val in vals))
[docs]def img_to_cv(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Prepares frame image as needed for opencv.""" # Convert RGB to BGR for OpenCV if img.shape[-1] == 3: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Convert grayscale to BGR elif img.shape[-1] == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) return img
[docs]def resize_image(img: np.ndarray, scale: float) -> np.ndarray: """Resizes single image with shape (height, width, channels).""" height, width, channels = img.shape new_height, new_width = int(height // (1 / scale)), int(width // (1 / scale)) # Note that OpenCV takes shape as (width, height). if channels == 1: # opencv doesn't want a single channel to have its own dimension img = cv2.resize(img[:, :], (new_width, new_height))[..., None] else: img = cv2.resize(img, (new_width, new_height)) return img
def resize_images(images: np.ndarray, scale: float) -> np.ndarray: return np.stack([resize_image(img, scale) for img in images]) def main_cli(): import argparse from sleap.util import frame_list parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("data_path", help="Path to labels json file") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, default=None, help="The output filename for the video", ) parser.add_argument("-f", "--fps", type=int, default=15, help="Frames per second") parser.add_argument("--scale", type=float, default=1.0, help="Output image scale") parser.add_argument( "--crop", type=str, default="", help="Crop size as <width>,<height>" ) parser.add_argument( "--frames", type=frame_list, default="", help="list of frames to predict. Either comma separated list (e.g. 1,2,3) or " "a range separated by hyphen (e.g. 1-3). (default is entire video)", ) parser.add_argument( "--video-index", type=int, default=0, help="Index of video in labels dataset" ) args = parser.parse_args() labels = Labels.load_file( args.data_path, video_search=[os.path.dirname(args.data_path)] ) if args.video_index >= len(labels.videos): raise IndexError(f"There is no video with index {args.video_index}.") vid = labels.videos[args.video_index] if args.frames is None: frames = sorted([lf.frame_idx for lf in labels if len(lf.instances)]) else: frames = args.frames filename = args.output or args.data_path + ".avi" try: crop_size_xy = list(map(int, args.crop.split(","))) except: crop_size_xy = None save_labeled_video( filename=filename, labels=labels, video=vid, frames=frames, fps=args.fps, scale=args.scale, crop_size_xy=crop_size_xy, ) print(f"Video saved as: {filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": main_cli()