Source code for sleap.nn.architectures.encoder_decoder

"""Generic encoder-decoder fully convolutional backbones.

This module contains building blocks for creating encoder-decoder architectures of
general form.

The encoder branch of the network forms the initial multi-scale feature extraction via
repeated blocks of convolutions and pooling steps.

The decoder branch is then responsible for upsampling the low resolution feature maps
to achieve the target output stride.

This pattern is generalizable and describes most fully convolutional architectures. For
    - simple convolutions with pooling form the structure in `LEAP CNN
    - adding skip connections forms `U-Net <>`_;
    - using residual blocks with skip connections forms the base module in `stacked
    hourglass <>`_;
    - using dense blocks with skip connections forms `FC-DenseNet

This module implements blocks used in all of these variants on top of a generic base

See the `EncoderDecoder` base class for requirements for creating new architectures.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import attr
from typing import Text, TypeVar, Sequence, Optional, Tuple, List, Union

from sleap.nn.architectures.common import IntermediateFeature

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class EncoderBlock: """Base class for encoder blocks. Attributes: pool: If True, applies max pooling at the end of the block. pooling_stride: Stride of the max pooling operation. If 1, the output of this block will be at the same stride (== 1/scale) as the input. """ pool: bool = True pooling_stride: int = 2
[docs] def make_block(self, x_in: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Instantiate the encoder block from an input tensor.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of EncoderBlock must implement make_block." )
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class SimpleConvBlock(EncoderBlock): """Flexible block of convolutions and max pooling. Attributes: pool: If True, applies max pooling at the end of the block. pooling_stride: Stride of the max pooling operation. If 1, the output of this block will be at the same stride (== 1/scale) as the input. pool_before_convs: If True, max pooling is performed before convolutions. num_convs: Number of convolution layers with activation. All attributes below are the same for all convolution layers within the block. filters: Number of convolutional kernel filters. kernel_size: Size of convolutional kernels (== height == width). use_bias: If False, convolution layers will not have a bias term. batch_norm: If True, applies batch normalization after each convolution. batch_norm_before_activation: If True, batch normalization is applied to the features computed from the linear convolution operation before the activation function, i.e.: conv -> BN -> activation function If False, the mini-block will look like: conv -> activation function -> BN activation: Name of activation function (typically "relu" or "linear"). block_prefix: String to append to the prefix provided at block creation time. Note: This block is used in LeapCNN and UNet. """ pool_before_convs: bool = False num_convs: int = 2 filters: int = 32 kernel_size: int = 3 use_bias: bool = True batch_norm: bool = False batch_norm_before_activation: bool = True activation: Text = "relu" block_prefix: Text = ""
[docs] def make_block(self, x_in: tf.Tensor, prefix: Text = "conv_block") -> tf.Tensor: """Create the block from an input tensor. Args: x_in: Input tensor to the block. prefix: String that will be added to the name of every layer in the block. If not specified, instantiating this block multiple times may result in name conflicts if existing layers have the same name. Returns: The output tensor after applying all operations in the block. """ prefix += self.block_prefix x = x_in if self.pool and self.pool_before_convs: x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D( pool_size=2, strides=self.pooling_stride, padding="same", name=f"{prefix}_pool", )(x) for i in range(self.num_convs): x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=self.filters, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, strides=1, padding="same", use_bias=self.use_bias, name=f"{prefix}_conv{i}", )(x) if self.batch_norm and self.batch_norm_before_activation: x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name=f"{prefix}_bn{i}")(x) x = tf.keras.layers.Activation( activation=self.activation, name=f"{prefix}_act{i}_{self.activation}" )(x) if self.batch_norm and not self.batch_norm_before_activation: x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name=f"{prefix}_bn{i}")(x) if self.pool and not self.pool_before_convs: x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D( pool_size=2, strides=self.pooling_stride, padding="same", name=f"{prefix}_pool", )(x) return x
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class DecoderBlock: """Base class for decoder blocks. Attributes: upsampling_stride: The striding of the upsampling layer. This is typically set to 2, such that the input tensor doubles in size after the block, but can be set higher to upsample in fewer steps. """ upsampling_stride: int = 2
[docs] def make_block( self, x: tf.Tensor, current_stride: Optional[int], skip_source: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, prefix: Text = "upsample", ) -> tf.Tensor: """Instantiate the decoder block from an input tensor. Args: x_in: Input tensor to the block. current_stride: The stride of input tensor. skip_source: A tensor that will be used to form a skip connection if the block is configured to use it. prefix: String that will be added to the name of every layer in the block. If not specified, instantiating this block multiple times may result in name conflicts if existing layers have the same name. Returns: The output tensor after applying all operations in the block. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of DecoderBlock must implement make_block." )
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class SimpleUpsamplingBlock(DecoderBlock): """Standard block of upsampling with optional refinement and skip connections. Attributes: upsampling_stride: The striding of the upsampling layer. This is typically set to 2, such that the input tensor doubles in size after the block, but can be set higher to upsample in fewer steps. transposed_conv: If True, use a strided transposed convolution to perform learnable upsampling. If False, interpolated upsampling will be used (see `interp_method`) and `transposed_conv_*` attributes will have no effect. transposed_conv_filters: Integer that specifies the number of filters in the transposed convolution layer. transposed_conv_kernel_size: Size of the kernel for the transposed convolution. transposed_conv_use_bias: If False, transposed convolution layers will not have a bias term. transposed_conv_batch_norm: If True, applies batch normalization after the transposed convolution. transposed_conv_batch_norm_before_activation: If True, batch normalization is applied to the features computed from the linear transposed convolution operation before the activation function, i.e.: transposed conv -> BN -> activation function If False, the mini-block will look like: transposed conv -> activation function -> BN transposed_conv_activation: Name of activation function (typically "relu" or "linear"). interp_method: String specifying the type of interpolation to use if `transposed_conv` is set to False. This can be `bilinear` or `nearest`. See `tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D` for more details on the implementation. skip_connection: If True, the block will form a skip connection with source features if provided during instantiation in the `make_block` method. If False, no skip connection will be formed even if a source feature is available. skip_add: If True, the skip connection will be formed by adding the source feature to the output of the upsampling operation. If they have different number of channels, a 1x1 linear convolution will be applied to the source first (similar to residual shortcut connections). If False, the two tensors will be concatenated channelwise instead. refine_convs: If greater than 0, specifies the number of convolutions that will be applied after the upsampling step. These layers can serve the purpose of "mixing" the skip connection fused features, or to refine the current feature map after upsampling which can help to prevent aliasing and checkerboard effects. If 0, no additional convolutions will be applied after upsampling and the skip connection (if present) and all `refine_convs_*` attributes will have no effect. If greater than 1, all layers will be identical with respect to these attributes. refine_convs_first_filters: If not None, the first refinement conv layer will have this many filters, otherwise `refine_convs_filters`. refine_convs_filters: Specifies the number of filters to use for the refinement convolutions. refine_convs_kernel_size: Size of the kernel for the refinement convolution. refine_convs_use_bias: If False, refinement convolution layers will not have a bias term. refine_convs_batch_norm: If True, applies batch normalization after each refinement convolution. refine_convs_batch_norm_before_activation: If True, batch normalization is applied to the features computed from each linear refinement convolution operation before the activation function, i.e.: conv -> BN -> activation function If False, the mini-block will look like: conv -> activation function -> BN refine_convs_activation: Name of activation function (typically "relu" or "linear"). Note: This block is used in LeapCNN and UNet. """ transposed_conv: bool = False transposed_conv_filters: int = 64 transposed_conv_kernel_size: int = 3 transposed_conv_use_bias: bool = True transposed_conv_batch_norm: bool = True transposed_conv_batch_norm_before_activation: bool = True transposed_conv_activation: Text = "relu" interp_method: Text = "bilinear" skip_connection: bool = False skip_add: bool = False refine_convs: int = 2 refine_convs_first_filters: Optional[int] = None refine_convs_filters: int = 64 refine_convs_use_bias: bool = True refine_convs_kernel_size: int = 3 refine_convs_batch_norm: bool = True refine_convs_batch_norm_before_activation: bool = True refine_convs_activation: Text = "relu"
[docs] def make_block( self, x: tf.Tensor, current_stride: Optional[int] = None, skip_source: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None, prefix: Text = "upsample", ) -> tf.Tensor: """Instantiate the decoder block from an input tensor. Args: x_in: Input tensor to the block. current_stride: The stride of input tensor. Not required but if provided, will be used to prepend the strides to the prefix. skip_source: A tensor that will be used to form a skip connection if the block is configured to use it. prefix: String that will be added to the name of every layer in the block. If not specified, instantiating this block multiple times may result in name conflicts if existing layers have the same name. Returns: The output tensor after applying all operations in the block. """ if current_stride is not None: # Append the strides to the block prefix. new_stride = current_stride // self.upsampling_stride prefix += f"_s{current_stride}_to_s{new_stride}" if self.transposed_conv: # Upsample via strided transposed convolution. x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose( filters=self.transposed_conv_filters, kernel_size=self.transposed_conv_kernel_size, strides=self.upsampling_stride, padding="same", name=f"{prefix}_trans_conv", )(x) if ( self.transposed_conv_batch_norm and self.transposed_conv_batch_norm_before_activation ): x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name=f"{prefix}_trans_conv_bn")( x ) x = tf.keras.layers.Activation( activation=self.transposed_conv_activation, name=f"{prefix}_trans_conv_act_{self.transposed_conv_activation}", )(x) if ( self.transposed_conv_batch_norm and not self.transposed_conv_batch_norm_before_activation ): x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name=f"{prefix}_trans_conv_bn")( x ) else: # Upsample via interpolation. x = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D( size=self.upsampling_stride, interpolation=self.interp_method, name=f"{prefix}_interp_{self.interp_method}", )(x) # Form skip connection if available. if self.skip_connection and skip_source is not None: if self.skip_add: source_x = skip_source if source_x.shape[-1] != x.shape[-1]: # Adjust channel count via 1x1 linear conv if not matching. source_x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=x.shape[-1], kernel_size=1, strides=1, padding="same", name=f"{prefix}_skip_conv1x1", )(source_x) # Skip connection via addition. x = tf.keras.layers.Add(name=f"{prefix}_skip_add")([source_x, x]) else: # Skip connection via simple concatenation. x = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(name=f"{prefix}_skip_concat")( [skip_source, x] ) # Add further convolutions to refine after upsampling and/or skip. for i in range(self.refine_convs): filters = self.refine_convs_filters if i == 0 and self.refine_convs_first_filters is not None: filters = self.refine_convs_first_filters x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=filters, kernel_size=self.refine_convs_kernel_size, strides=1, padding="same", use_bias=self.refine_convs_use_bias, name=f"{prefix}_refine_conv{i}", )(x) if ( self.refine_convs_batch_norm and self.refine_convs_batch_norm_before_activation ): x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization( name=f"{prefix}_refine_conv{i}_bn" )(x) x = tf.keras.layers.Activation( activation=self.transposed_conv_activation, name=f"{prefix}_refine_conv{i}_act_{self.refine_convs_activation}", )(x) if ( self.refine_convs_batch_norm and not self.refine_convs_batch_norm_before_activation ): x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization( name=f"{prefix}_refine_conv{i}_bn" )(x) return x
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class EncoderDecoder: """General encoder-decoder base class. New architectures that follow the encoder-decoder pattern can be defined by inheriting from this class and implementing the `encoder_stack` and `decoder_stack` methods. Attributes: stacks: If greater than 1, the encoder-decoder architecture will be repeated. """ stacks: int = 1 @property def stem_stack(self) -> Optional[Sequence[EncoderBlock]]: """Return a list of encoder blocks that define the stem.""" return None @property def encoder_stack(self) -> Sequence[EncoderBlock]: """Return a list of encoder blocks that define the encoder.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Encoder-decoder subclasses must define encoder stack." ) @property def decoder_stack(self) -> Sequence[DecoderBlock]: """Return a list of decoder blocks that define the decoder.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Encoder-decoder subclasses must define decoder stack." ) @property def stem_features_stride(self) -> int: """Return the relative stride of the final output of the stem block. This is equivalent to the stride of the stem assuming that it is constructed from an input with stride 1. """ if self.stem_stack is None: return 1 return int([block.pooling_stride for block in self.stem_stack if block.pool]) ) @property def encoder_features_stride(self) -> int: """Return the relative stride of the final output of the encoder. This is equivalent to the stride of the encoder assuming that it is constructed from an input with stride 1. """ return int( [block.pooling_stride for block in self.encoder_stack if block.pool] + [self.stem_features_stride] ) ) @property def decoder_features_stride(self) -> int: """Return the relative stride of the final output of the decoder. This is equivalent to the stride of the decoder assuming that it is constructed from an input with stride 1. """ return self.encoder_features_stride // int([block.upsampling_stride for block in self.decoder_stack]) ) @property def maximum_stride(self) -> int: """Return the maximum stride that the input must be divisible by.""" return self.encoder_features_stride @property def output_stride(self) -> int: """Return stride of the output of the backbone.""" return self.decoder_features_stride
[docs] def make_stem(self, x_in: tf.Tensor, prefix: Text = "stem") -> tf.Tensor: """Instantiate the stem layers defined by the stem block configuration. Unlike in the encoder, the stem layers do not get repeated in stacked models. Args: x_in: The input tensor. current_stride: The stride of `x_in` relative to the original input. If any pooling was performed before the stem, this must be specified in order to appropriately set the stride in the rest of the model. prefix: String prefix for naming stem layers. Returns: The final output tensor of the stem. """ if self.stem_stack is None: return x_in x = x_in for i, block in enumerate(self.stem_stack): # Instantiate block. x = block.make_block(x, prefix=f"{prefix}{i}") return x
[docs] def make_encoder( self, x_in: tf.Tensor, current_stride: int, prefix: Text = "enc" ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, List[IntermediateFeature]]: """Instantiate the encoder layers defined by the encoder stack configuration. Args: x_in: The input tensor. current_stride: The stride of `x_in` relative to the original input. If any pooling was performed before the encoder, this must be specified in order to appropriately set the stride in the returned intermediate features. prefix: String prefix for naming encoder layers. Returns: A tuple of the final output tensor of the encoder and a list of `IntermediateFeature`s. The intermediate features contain the output tensors from every block except the last. These can be reused in the decoder to form skip connections. """ x = x_in intermediate_features = [] for i, block in enumerate(self.encoder_stack): # Instantiate block. x = block.make_block(x, prefix=f"{prefix}{i}") # Update the current stride and store the output of the current block. if block.pool: current_stride *= block.pooling_stride if current_stride not in [feat.stride for feat in intermediate_features]: intermediate_features.append( IntermediateFeature(tensor=x, stride=current_stride) ) return x, intermediate_features[:-1]
[docs] def make_decoder( self, x_in: tf.Tensor, current_stride: int, skip_source_features: Optional[Sequence[IntermediateFeature]] = None, prefix: Text = "dec", ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, List[IntermediateFeature]]: """Instantiate the encoder layers defined by the decoder stack configuration. Args: x_in: The input tensor. current_stride: The stride of `x_in` relative to the original input. This is the stride of the output of the encoder relative to the original input. skip_source_features: A sequence of `IntermediateFeature`s containing tensors that can be used to form skip connections at matching strides. At every decoder block, the first skip source feature found at the input stride of the block will be passed to the block instantiation method. If the decoder block is not configured to form skip connections, these will be ignored even if found. prefix: String prefix for naming decoder layers. Returns: A tuple of the final output tensor of the decoder and a list of `IntermediateFeature`s. The intermediate features contain the output tensors from every block except the last. This includes the input to this function (`x_in`). These are useful when defining heads that take inputs at multiple scales. """ x = x_in intermediate_features = [] for i, block in enumerate(self.decoder_stack): # Store the output of the current block. intermediate_features.append( IntermediateFeature(tensor=x, stride=current_stride) ) next_stride = current_stride // block.upsampling_stride # Look for a source tensor at the next stride (after upsampling) to form a # skip connection. skip_source = None for source_feat in skip_source_features: if source_feat.stride == next_stride: skip_source = source_feat.tensor break # Create the block. x = block.make_block( x, current_stride=current_stride, skip_source=skip_source, prefix=f"{prefix}{i}", ) # Update current stride. current_stride = next_stride return x, intermediate_features
[docs] def make_backbone( self, x_in: tf.Tensor, current_stride: int = 1 ) -> Union[ Tuple[tf.Tensor, List[IntermediateFeature]], Tuple[List[tf.Tensor], List[List[IntermediateFeature]]], ]: """Instantiate the entire encoder-decoder backbone. Args: x_in: The input tensor. current_stride: The stride of `x_in` relative to the original input. This is 1 if the input tensor comes from the input layer of the network. If not, this must be set appropriately in order to match up intermediate tensors during decoder construction. Returns: A tuple of the final output tensor of the decoder and a list of `IntermediateFeature`s. The intermediate features contain the output tensors from every block except the last. This includes the input to this function (`x_in`). These are useful when defining heads that take inputs at multiple scales. If the architecture has more than 1 stack, the outputs are each lists of output tensors and intermediate features corresponding to each stack. """ if self.stacks > 1: if self.stem_features_stride != self.decoder_features_stride: raise ValueError( "If using a stacked configuration, the backbone must define " "symmetric encoder and decoder. Create a stem for initial " "downsampling if an output stride > 1 is desired." ) # Build stem for the first stack if defined. x = self.make_stem(x_in, prefix="stem") stem_output = [] if self.stem_stack is not None: stem_output = [ IntermediateFeature( tensor=x, stride=current_stride * self.stem_features_stride ) ] stack_outputs = [] intermediate_outputs = [] for i in range(self.stacks): # Build encoder. x, intermediate_encoder_features = self.make_encoder( x, current_stride=current_stride * self.stem_features_stride, prefix=f"stack{i}_enc", ) # Build decoder. x, intermediate_decoder_features = self.make_decoder( x, skip_source_features=stem_output + intermediate_encoder_features, current_stride=current_stride * self.encoder_features_stride, prefix=f"stack{i}_dec", ) stack_outputs.append(x) intermediate_outputs.append(intermediate_decoder_features) if self.stacks == 1: return stack_outputs[0], intermediate_outputs[0] else: return stack_outputs, intermediate_outputs