Source code for

"""Transformers for performing inference."""

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import attr
from typing import List, Text, Optional, Tuple
from import expand_to_rank, ensure_list
from sleap.nn.system import best_logical_device_name
from import make_centered_bboxes, normalize_bboxes

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class KerasModelPredictor: """Transformer for performing tf.keras model inference.""" keras_model: tf.keras.Model model_input_keys: Text = attr.ib(default="instance_image", converter=ensure_list) model_output_keys: Text = attr.ib( default="predicted_instance_confidence_maps", converter=ensure_list ) device_name: Optional[Text] = None @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return self.model_input_keys @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return self.input_keys + self.model_output_keys def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> device_name = self.device_name if device_name is None: device_name = best_logical_device_name() def predict(example): with tf.device(device_name): X = [] for input_key in self.model_input_keys: input_rank = tf.rank(example[input_key]) X.append( expand_to_rank(example[input_key], target_rank=4, prepend=True) ) Y = self.keras_model(X) if not isinstance(Y, list): Y = [Y] for output_key, y in zip(self.model_output_keys, Y): if isinstance(y, list): y = y[0] if input_rank < tf.rank(y): y = tf.squeeze(y, axis=0) example[output_key] = y return example output_ds = predict, ) return output_ds
[docs]def find_global_peaks(img: tf.Tensor, threshold: float = 0.1) -> tf.Tensor: """Find the global maximum for each sample and channel. Args: img: Tensor of shape (samples, height, width, channels). threshold: Scalar float specifying the minimum confidence value for peaks. Peaks with values below this threshold will be replaced with NaNs. Returns: A tuple of (peak_points, peak_vals). peak_points: float32 tensor of shape (samples, channels, 2), where the last axis indicates peak locations in xy order. peak_vals: float32 tensor of shape (samples, channels) containing the values at the peak points. """ # Find row maxima. max_img_rows = tf.reduce_max(img, axis=2) argmax_rows = tf.reshape(tf.argmax(max_img_rows, axis=1), [-1]) # Find col maxima. max_img_cols = tf.reduce_max(img, axis=1) argmax_cols = tf.reshape(tf.argmax(max_img_cols, axis=1), [-1]) # Construct sample and channel subscripts. channels = tf.cast(tf.shape(img)[-1], tf.int64) total_peaks = tf.cast(tf.shape(argmax_cols)[0], tf.int64) sample_subs = tf.range(total_peaks, dtype=tf.int64) // channels channel_subs = tf.range(total_peaks, dtype=tf.int64) % channels # Gather subscripts. peak_subs = tf.stack([sample_subs, argmax_rows, argmax_cols, channel_subs], axis=1) # Gather values at global maxima. peak_vals = tf.gather_nd(img, peak_subs) # Convert to points form (samples, channels, 2). peak_points = tf.transpose( tf.reshape( tf.cast(tf.stack([argmax_cols, argmax_rows], axis=-1), tf.float32), [channels, -1, 2], ), [1, 0, 2], ) peak_vals = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(peak_vals, [channels, -1]), [1, 0]) # Mask out low confidence points. peak_points = tf.where( tf.expand_dims(peak_vals, axis=-1) < threshold, x=tf.constant(np.nan, dtype=tf.float32), y=peak_points, ) return peak_points, peak_vals
[docs]def integral_regression( cms: tf.Tensor, xv: tf.Tensor, yv: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Compute regression by integrating over the confidence maps on a grid. Args: cms: Confidence maps. xv: X grid vector. yv: Y grid vector. Returns: A tuple of (x_hat, y_hat) with the regressed x- and y-coordinates for each channel of the confidence maps. """ # Compute normalizing factor. z = tf.reduce_sum(cms, axis=[0, 1]) # Regress to expectation. x_hat = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reshape(xv, [1, -1, 1]) * cms, axis=[0, 1]) / z y_hat = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reshape(yv, [-1, 1, 1]) * cms, axis=[0, 1]) / z return x_hat, y_hat
[docs]def find_global_peaks_integral( cms: tf.Tensor, crop_size: int = 5, threshold: float = 0.2 ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Find local peaks with integral refinement. Args: cms: Confidence maps. threshold: Minimum confidence threshold. Returns: A tuple of (peak_points, peak_vals). peak_points: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks, 2), where the last axis indicates peak locations in xy order. peak_vals: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the values at the peak points. """ # Find grid aligned peaks. rough_peaks, peak_vals = find_global_peaks( tf.expand_dims(cms, axis=0), threshold=threshold ) rough_peaks = tf.squeeze(rough_peaks, axis=0) peak_vals = tf.squeeze(peak_vals, axis=0) # Make bounding boxes for cropping around peaks. bboxes = make_centered_bboxes( rough_peaks, box_height=crop_size, box_width=crop_size ) norm_bboxes = normalize_bboxes( bboxes, image_height=tf.shape(cms)[0], image_width=tf.shape(cms)[1] ) # Crop patch around each grid-aligned peak. cms = tf.transpose(cms, [2, 0, 1]) # move channels to samples axis cms = tf.expand_dims(cms, axis=3) cm_crops = tf.image.crop_and_resize( image=cms, boxes=norm_bboxes, box_indices=tf.range(tf.shape(cms)[0], dtype=tf.int32), crop_size=[crop_size, crop_size], ) cm_crops = tf.squeeze(cm_crops, axis=3) # squeeze out singleton "channel" axis cm_crops = tf.transpose(cm_crops, [1, 2, 0]) # move crops back to last axis # Compute offsets via integral regression. gv = tf.cast(tf.range(crop_size), tf.float32) - ((crop_size - 1) / 2) dx_hat, dy_hat = integral_regression(cm_crops, xv=gv, yv=gv) # Apply offsets. refined_peaks = rough_peaks + tf.stack([dx_hat, dy_hat], axis=1) return refined_peaks, peak_vals
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class GlobalPeakFinder: """Global peak finding transformer.""" confmaps_key: Text = "predicted_instance_confidence_maps" confmaps_stride: int = 1 peak_threshold: float = 0.2 peaks_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_points" peak_vals_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_confidences" keep_confmaps: bool = True device_name: Optional[Text] = None integral: bool = True integral_patch_size: int = 5 @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return [self.confmaps_key] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: output_keys = [self.peaks_key, self.peak_vals_key] if self.keep_confmaps: output_keys.append(self.confmaps_key) return output_keys def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> device_name = self.device_name if device_name is None: device_name = best_logical_device_name() def find_peaks(example): with tf.device(device_name): confmaps = example[self.confmaps_key] if self.integral: # Find peaks via integral regression. peaks, peak_vals = find_global_peaks_integral( confmaps, threshold=self.peak_threshold, crop_size=self.integral_patch_size ) peaks *= tf.cast(self.confmaps_stride, tf.float32) else: # Find peaks via standard grid aligned global argmax. confmaps = expand_to_rank(confmaps, target_rank=4, prepend=True) peaks, peak_vals = find_global_peaks( confmaps, threshold=self.peak_threshold ) peaks *= tf.cast(self.confmaps_stride, tf.float32) if tf.rank(example[self.confmaps_key]) == 3: peaks = tf.squeeze(peaks, axis=0) peak_vals = tf.squeeze(peak_vals, axis=0) example[self.peaks_key] = peaks example[self.peak_vals_key] = peak_vals if not self.keep_confmaps: example.pop(self.confmaps_key) return example output_ds = find_peaks, ) return output_ds
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class MockGlobalPeakFinder: """Transformer that mimics `GlobalPeakFinder` but passes ground truth data.""" all_peaks_in_key: Text = "instances" peaks_out_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_points" peak_vals_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_confidences" keep_confmaps: bool = True confmaps_in_key: Text = "instance_confidence_maps" confmaps_out_key: Text = "predicted_instance_confidence_maps" @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: input_keys = [self.all_peaks_in_key, "centroid", "bbox", "scale"] if self.keep_confmaps: input_keys.append(self.confmaps_in_key) return input_keys @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: output_keys = [self.peaks_out_key, self.peak_vals_key] if self.keep_confmaps: output_keys.append(self.confmaps_out_key) return output_keys def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> def find_peaks(example): # Match example centroid to the instance with the closest node. centroid = example["centroid"] / example["scale"] all_peaks = example[self.all_peaks_in_key] # (n_instances, n_nodes, 2) dists = tf.reduce_min( tf.norm( all_peaks - tf.reshape(centroid, [1, 1, 2]), axis=-1 ), axis=1, ) # (n_instances,) instance_ind = tf.argmin(dists) center_instance = tf.gather(all_peaks, instance_ind) # Adjust to coordinates relative to bounding box. center_instance -= tf.reshape(tf.gather(example["bbox"], [1, 0]), [1, 2]) # Fill in mock data. example[self.peaks_out_key] = center_instance example[self.peak_vals_key] = tf.ones( [tf.shape(center_instance)[0]], dtype=tf.float32 ) example.pop(self.all_peaks_in_key) if self.keep_confmaps: example[self.confmaps_out_key] = example[self.confmaps_in_key] example.pop(self.confmaps_in_key) return example output_ds = find_peaks, ) return output_ds
[docs]def find_local_peaks( img: tf.Tensor, threshold: float = 0.2 ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Find local maxima via non-maximum suppresion. Args: img: Tensor of shape (samples, height, width, channels). threshold: Scalar float specifying the minimum confidence value for peaks. Peaks with values below this threshold will not be returned. Returns: A tuple of (peak_points, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds). peak_points: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks, 2), where the last axis indicates peak locations in xy order. peak_vals: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the values at the peak points. peak_sample_inds: int32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the indices of the sample each peak belongs to. peak_channel_inds: int32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the indices of the channel each peak belongs to. """ # Build custom local NMS kernel. kernel = tf.reshape( tf.constant([[0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=tf.float32), (3, 3, 1) ) # Reshape to have singleton channels. height = tf.shape(img)[1] width = tf.shape(img)[2] channels = tf.shape(img)[3] flat_img = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(img, [0, 3, 1, 2]), [-1, height, width, 1]) # Perform dilation filtering to find local maxima per channel and reshape back. max_img = tf.nn.dilation2d( flat_img, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME", "NHWC", [1, 1, 1, 1] ) max_img = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(max_img, [-1, channels, height, width]), [0, 2, 3, 1] ) # Filter for maxima and threshold. argmax_and_thresh_img = (img > max_img) & (img > threshold) # Convert to subscripts. peak_subs = tf.where(argmax_and_thresh_img) # Get peak values. peak_vals = tf.gather_nd(img, peak_subs) # Convert to points format. peak_points = tf.cast(tf.gather(peak_subs, [2, 1], axis=1), tf.float32) # Pull out indexing vectors. peak_sample_inds = tf.gather(peak_subs, 0, axis=1) peak_channel_inds = tf.gather(peak_subs, 3, axis=1) return peak_points, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds
[docs]def find_local_peaks_integral( cms: tf.Tensor, crop_size: int = 3, threshold: float = 0.2 ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Find local peaks with integral refinement. Args: cms: Confidence maps. threshold: Minimum confidence threshold. Returns: A tuple of (peak_points, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds). peak_points: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks, 2), where the last axis indicates peak locations in xy order. peak_vals: float32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the values at the peak points. peak_sample_inds: int32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the indices of the sample each peak belongs to. peak_channel_inds: int32 tensor of shape (n_peaks,) containing the indices of the channel each peak belongs to. """ # Find grid aligned peaks. rough_peaks, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds = find_local_peaks( tf.expand_dims(cms, axis=0), threshold=threshold ) # Make bounding boxes for cropping around peaks. bboxes = make_centered_bboxes( rough_peaks, box_height=crop_size, box_width=crop_size ) norm_bboxes = normalize_bboxes( bboxes, image_height=tf.shape(cms)[0], image_width=tf.shape(cms)[1] ) # Crop patch around each grid-aligned peak. cms = tf.transpose(cms, [2, 0, 1]) # move channels to samples axis cms = tf.expand_dims(cms, axis=3) cm_crops = tf.image.crop_and_resize( image=cms, boxes=norm_bboxes, box_indices=tf.cast(peak_channel_inds, tf.int32), crop_size=[crop_size, crop_size], ) cm_crops = tf.squeeze(cm_crops, axis=3) # squeeze out singleton "channel" axis cm_crops = tf.transpose(cm_crops, [1, 2, 0]) # move crops back to last axis # Compute offsets via integral regression. gv = tf.cast(tf.range(crop_size), tf.float32) - ((crop_size - 1) / 2) dx_hat, dy_hat = integral_regression(cm_crops, xv=gv, yv=gv) # Apply offsets. refined_peaks = rough_peaks + tf.stack([dx_hat, dy_hat], axis=1) return refined_peaks, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class LocalPeakFinder: """Local peak finding transformer.""" confmaps_key: Text = "centroid_confidence_maps" confmaps_stride: int = 1 peak_threshold: float = 0.2 peaks_key: Text = "predicted_centroids" peak_vals_key: Text = "predicted_centroid_confidences" peak_sample_inds_key: Text = "predicted_centroid_sample_inds" peak_channel_inds_key: Text = "predicted_centroid_channel_inds" keep_confmaps: bool = True device_name: Optional[Text] = None integral: bool = True @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return [self.confmaps_key] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: output_keys = [ self.peaks_key, self.peak_vals_key, self.peak_sample_inds_key, self.peak_channel_inds_key, ] if self.keep_confmaps: output_keys.append(self.confmaps_key) return output_keys def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> device_name = self.device_name if device_name is None: device_name = best_logical_device_name() def find_peaks(example): with tf.device(device_name): confmaps = example[self.confmaps_key] if self.integral: # Find local peaks with local NMS + integral refinement. ( peaks, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds, ) = find_local_peaks_integral( confmaps, threshold=self.peak_threshold ) else: # Find local peaks with grid-aligned NMS. confmaps = expand_to_rank(confmaps, target_rank=4, prepend=True) ( peaks, peak_vals, peak_sample_inds, peak_channel_inds, ) = find_local_peaks(confmaps, threshold=self.peak_threshold) # Adjust for confidence map stride. peaks *= tf.cast(self.confmaps_stride, tf.float32) example[self.peaks_key] = peaks example[self.peak_vals_key] = peak_vals example[self.peak_sample_inds_key] = peak_sample_inds example[self.peak_channel_inds_key] = peak_channel_inds if not self.keep_confmaps: example.pop(self.confmaps_key) return example output_ds = find_peaks, ) return output_ds
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class PredictedCenterInstanceNormalizer: """Transformer for adjusting centered instance coordinates.""" centroid_key: Text = "centroid" centroid_confidence_key: Text = "centroid_confidence" peaks_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_points" peak_confidences_key: Text = "predicted_center_instance_confidences" new_centroid_key: Text = "predicted_centroid" new_centroid_confidence_key: Text = "predicted_centroid_confidence" new_peaks_key: Text = "predicted_instance" new_peak_confidences_key: Text = "predicted_instance_confidences" @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: """Return the keys that incoming elements are expected to have.""" return [ self.centroid_key, self.centroid_confidence_key, self.peaks_key, self.peak_confidences_key, "scale", "bbox", ] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: """Return the keys that outgoing elements will have.""" output_keys = [ self.new_centroid_key, self.new_centroid_confidence_key, self.new_peaks_key, self.new_peak_confidences_key, ] return output_keys
[docs] def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> """Create a dataset that contains instance cropped data.""" def norm_instance(example): """Local processing function for dataset mapping.""" centroids = example[self.centroid_key] / example["scale"] bboxes = example["bbox"] bboxes = expand_to_rank(bboxes, 2) bboxes_x1y1 = tf.gather(bboxes, [1, 0], axis=1) pts = example[self.peaks_key] pts += bboxes_x1y1 pts /= example["scale"] example[self.new_centroid_key] = centroids example[self.new_centroid_confidence_key] = example[ self.centroid_confidence_key ] example[self.new_peaks_key] = pts example[self.new_peak_confidences_key] = example[self.peak_confidences_key] return example # Map the main processing function to each example. output_ds = norm_instance, ) return output_ds