Source code for

"""Transformers and utilities for training-related operations."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import sleap
from import LabelsReader
from import expand_to_rank, ensure_list
import attr
from typing import List, Text, Optional, Any, Union, Dict, Tuple, Sequence

[docs]def split_labels( labels: sleap.Labels, split_fractions: Sequence[float] ) -> Tuple[sleap.Labels]: """Split a `sleap.Labels` into multiple new ones with random subsets of the data. Args: labels: An instance of `sleap.Labels`. split_fractions: One or more floats between 0 and 1 that specify the fraction of examples that should be in each dataset. These should add up to <= 1.0. Fractions of less than 1 element will be rounded up to ensure that is at least 1 element in each split. One of the fractions may be -1 to indicate that it should contain all elements left over from the other splits. Returns: A tuple of new `sleap.Labels` instances of the same length as `split_fractions`. Raises: ValueError: If more than one split fraction is specified as -1. ValueError: If the splits add up to more than the total available examples. Note: Sampling is done without replacement. """ # Get indices for labeled frames. labels_indices = np.arange(len(labels)).astype("int64") # Compute split sizes. n_examples = len(labels_indices) n_examples_per_split = np.array(split_fractions).astype("float64") if (n_examples_per_split == -1).sum() > 1: raise ValueError("Only one split fraction can be specified as -1.") n_examples_per_split[n_examples_per_split == -1] = np.NaN n_examples_per_split = np.ceil(n_examples_per_split * n_examples) n_examples_per_split[np.isnan(n_examples_per_split)] = np.maximum( n_examples - np.nansum(n_examples_per_split), 1 ) n_examples_per_split = n_examples_per_split.astype("int64") if n_examples_per_split.sum() > n_examples: raise ValueError("Splits cannot sum to more than the total input labels.") # Sample and create new Labels instances. split_labels = [] for n_samples in n_examples_per_split: # Sample. sampled_indices = np.random.default_rng().choice( labels_indices, size=n_samples, replace=False ) # Create new instance. split_labels.append(sleap.Labels([labels[int(ind)] for ind in sampled_indices])) # Exclude the sampled indices from the available indices. labels_indices = np.setdiff1d(labels_indices, sampled_indices) return tuple(split_labels)
[docs]def split_labels_reader( labels_reader: LabelsReader, split_fractions: Sequence[float] ) -> Tuple[LabelsReader]: """Split a `LabelsReader` into multiple new ones with random subsets of the data. Args: labels_reader: An instance of ``. This is a provider that generates datasets that contain elements read from a `sleap.Labels` instance. split_fractions: One or more floats between 0 and 1 that specify the fraction of examples that should be in each dataset. These should add up to <= 1.0. Fractions of less than 1 element will be rounded up to ensure that is at least 1 element in each split. One of the fractions may be -1 to indicate that it should contain all elements left over from the other splits. Returns: A tuple of `LabelsReader` instances of the same length as `split_fractions`. The indices will be stored in the `example_indices` in each `LabelsReader` instance. The actual `sleap.Labels` instance will be the same for each instance, only the `example_indices` that are iterated over will change across splits. If the input `labels_reader` already has `example_indices`, a subset of these will be sampled to generate the splits. Raises: ValueError: If more than one split fraction is specified as -1. ValueError: If the splits add up to more than the total available examples. Note: Sampling is done without replacement. """ # Get available indices. labels_indices = labels_reader.example_indices if labels_indices is None: labels_indices = np.arange(len(labels_reader)) labels_indices = np.array(labels_indices).astype("int64") # Compute split sizes. n_examples = len(labels_indices) n_examples_per_split = np.array(split_fractions).astype("float64") if (n_examples_per_split == -1).sum() > 1: raise ValueError("Only one split fraction can be specified as -1.") n_examples_per_split[n_examples_per_split == -1] = np.NaN n_examples_per_split = np.ceil(n_examples_per_split * n_examples) n_examples_per_split[np.isnan(n_examples_per_split)] = np.maximum( n_examples - np.nansum(n_examples_per_split), 1 ) n_examples_per_split = n_examples_per_split.astype("int64") if n_examples_per_split.sum() > n_examples: raise ValueError("Splits cannot sum to more than the total input labels.") # Sample and create new LabelsReader instances. split_readers = [] for n_samples in n_examples_per_split: # Sample. sampled_indices = np.random.default_rng().choice( labels_indices, size=n_samples, replace=False ) # Create new instance. split_readers.append( LabelsReader(labels_reader.labels, example_indices=sampled_indices) ) # Exclude the sampled indices from the available indices. labels_indices = np.setdiff1d(labels_indices, sampled_indices) return tuple(split_readers)
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class KeyMapper: """Maps example keys to specified outputs. This is useful for transforming examples into tuples that map onto specific layer names for training. Attributes: key_maps: Dictionary or list of dictionaries with string keys and values of the form: {input_key: output_key}. If a list, the examples will be in tuples in the same order. """ key_maps: List[Dict[Text, Text]] = attr.ib( converter=attr.converters.optional(ensure_list) ) @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: """Return the keys that incoming elements are expected to have.""" input_keys = [] for key_map in self.key_maps: input_keys.extend(list(key_map.keys())) return input_keys @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: """Return the keys that outgoing elements will have. These may be nested.""" output_keys = [] for key_map in self.key_maps: output_keys.extend(list(key_map.values())) return output_keys
[docs] def transform_dataset(self, ds_input: -> """Create a dataset with input keys mapped to new key names. Args: ds_input: Any `` that generates examples as a dictionary of tensors with the keys in `input_keys`. Return: A dataset that generates examples with the tensors in `input_keys` mapped to keys in `output_keys` according to the structure in `key_maps`. """ test_example = next(iter(ds_input)) key_shapes = {} for key_map in self.key_maps: for key_in in key_map.keys(): key_shapes[key_in] = tuple(test_example[key_in].shape) def map_keys(example): """Local processing function for dataset mapping.""" output_keys = [] for key_map in self.key_maps: output_keys.append( {key_out: tf.ensure_shape(example[key_in], key_shapes[key_in]) for key_in, key_out in key_map.items()} ) return tuple(output_keys) ds_output = return ds_output