Source code for sleap.nn.paf_grouping

"""This module provides a set of utilities for grouping peaks based on PAFs.

Part affinity fields (PAFs) are a representation used to resolve the peak grouping
problem for multi-instance pose estimation [1].

They are a convenient way to represent directed graphs with support in image space. For
each edge, a PAF can be represented by an image with two channels, corresponding to the
x and y components of a unit vector pointing along the direction of the underlying
directed graph formed by the connections of the landmarks belonging to an instance.

Given a pair of putatively connected landmarks, the agreement between the line segment
that connects them and the PAF vectors found at the coordinates along the same line can
be used as a measure of "connectedness". These scores can then be used to guide the
instance-wise grouping of landmarks.

This image space representation is particularly useful as it is amenable to neural
network-based prediction from unlabeled images.

    .. [1] Zhe Cao, Tomas Simon, Shih-En Wei, Yaser Sheikh. Realtime Multi-Person 2D
       Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields. In _CVPR_, 2017.

import attr
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple, Text
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from sleap.nn.config import MultiInstanceConfig

@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, frozen=True)
class PeakID:
    node_ind: int
    peak_ind: int

@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, frozen=True)
class EdgeType:
    src_node_ind: int
    dst_node_ind: int

@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True)
class EdgeConnection:
    src_peak_ind: int
    dst_peak_ind: int
    score: float

[docs]def assign_connections_to_instances( connections: Dict[EdgeType, List[EdgeConnection]], min_instance_peaks: Union[int, float] = 0, n_nodes: int = None, ) -> Dict[PeakID, int]: """Assigns connected edges to instances via greedy graph partitioning. Args: connections: A dict that maps EdgeType to a list of EdgeConnections found through connection scoring. This can be generated by the filter_connection_candidates function. min_instance_peaks: If this is greater than 0, grouped instances with fewer assigned peaks than this threshold will be excluded. If a float in the range (0., 1.] is provided, this is interpreted as a fraction of the total number of nodes in the skeleton. If an integer is provided, this is the absolute minimum number of peaks. n_nodes: Total node type count. Used to convert min_instance_peaks to an absolute number when a fraction is specified. If not provided, the node count is inferred from the unique node inds in connections. Returns: instance_assignments: A dict mapping PeakID to a unique instance ID specified as an integer. A PeakID is a tuple of (node_type_ind, peak_ind), where the peak_ind is the index or identifier specified in a EdgeConnection as a src_peak_ind or dst_peak_ind. Note: Instance IDs are not necessarily consecutive since some instances may be filtered out during the partitioning or filtering. This function expects connections from a single sample/frame! """ # Grouping table that maps PeakID(node_ind, peak_ind) to an instance_id. instance_assignments = dict() # Loop through edge types. for edge_type, edge_connections in connections.items(): # Loop through connections for the current edge. for connection in edge_connections: # Notation: specific peaks are identified by (node_ind, peak_ind). src_id = PeakID(edge_type.src_node_ind, connection.src_peak_ind) dst_id = PeakID(edge_type.dst_node_ind, connection.dst_peak_ind) # Get instance assignments for the connection peaks. src_instance = instance_assignments.get(src_id, None) dst_instance = instance_assignments.get(dst_id, None) if src_instance is None and dst_instance is None: # Case 1: Neither peak is assigned to an instance yet. We'll create a # new instance to hold both. new_instance = max(instance_assignments.values(), default=-1) + 1 instance_assignments[src_id] = new_instance instance_assignments[dst_id] = new_instance elif src_instance is not None and dst_instance is None: # Case 2: The source peak is assigned already, but not the destination # peak. We'll assign the destination peak to the same instance as the # source. instance_assignments[dst_id] = src_instance elif src_instance is not None and dst_instance is not None: # Case 3: Both peaks have been assigned. We'll update the destination # peak to be a part of the source peak instance. instance_assignments[dst_id] = src_instance # We'll also check if they form disconnected subgraphs, in which case # we'll merge them by assigning all peaks belonging to the destination # peak's instance to the source peak's instance. src_instance_nodes = set( peak_id.node_ind for peak_id, instance in instance_assignments.items() if instance == src_instance ) dst_instance_nodes = set( peak_id.node_ind for peak_id, instance in instance_assignments.items() if instance == dst_instance ) if len(src_instance_nodes.intersection(dst_instance_nodes)) == 0: for peak_id in instance_assignments: if instance_assignments[peak_id] == dst_instance: instance_assignments[peak_id] = src_instance if min_instance_peaks > 0: if isinstance(min_instance_peaks, float): if n_nodes is None: # Infer number of nodes if not specified. all_node_types = set() for edge_type in connections: all_node_types.add(edge_type.src_node_ind) all_node_types.add(edge_type.dst_node_ind) n_nodes = len(all_node_types) # Calculate minimum threshold. min_instance_peaks = int(min_instance_peaks * n_nodes) # Compute instance peak counts. instance_ids, instance_peak_counts = np.unique( list(instance_assignments.values()), return_counts=True ) instance_peak_counts = { instance: peaks_count for instance, peaks_count in zip(instance_ids, instance_peak_counts) } # Filter out small instances. instance_assignments = { peak_id: instance for peak_id, instance in instance_assignments.items() if instance_peak_counts[instance] >= min_instance_peaks } return instance_assignments
def make_predicted_instances(peaks, peak_scores, connections, instance_assignments): # Ensure instance IDs are contiguous. instance_ids, instance_inds = np.unique( list(instance_assignments.values()), return_inverse=True ) for peak_id, instance_ind in zip(instance_assignments.keys(), instance_inds): instance_assignments[peak_id] = instance_ind n_instances = len(instance_ids) # Compute instance scores as the sum of all edge scores. predicted_instance_scores = np.full((n_instances,), 0.0, dtype="float32") for edge_type, edge_connections in connections.items(): # Loop over all connections for this edge type. for edge_connection in edge_connections: # Look up the source peak. src_peak_id = PeakID( node_ind=edge_type.src_node_ind, peak_ind=edge_connection.src_peak_ind ) if src_peak_id in instance_assignments: # Add to the total instance score. instance_ind = instance_assignments[src_peak_id] predicted_instance_scores[instance_ind] += edge_connection.score # Sanity check: both peaks in the edge should have been assigned to the # same instance. dst_peak_id = PeakID( node_ind=edge_type.dst_node_ind, peak_ind=edge_connection.dst_peak_ind, ) assert instance_ind == instance_assignments[dst_peak_id] # Fill in assigned peak data. # n_nodes = peaks.shape[0] n_nodes = len(peaks) predicted_instances = np.full((n_instances, n_nodes, 2), np.nan, dtype="float32") predicted_peak_scores = np.full((n_instances, n_nodes), np.nan, dtype="float32") for peak_id, instance_ind in instance_assignments.items(): predicted_instances[instance_ind, peak_id.node_ind, :] = peaks[ peak_id.node_ind ][peak_id.peak_ind] predicted_peak_scores[instance_ind, peak_id.node_ind] = peak_scores[ peak_id.node_ind ][peak_id.peak_ind] return predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class PAFScorer: part_names: List[Text] edges: List[Tuple[Text, Text]] pafs_stride: int max_edge_length: float = 128 min_edge_score: float = 0.05 n_points: int = 10 min_instance_peaks: Union[int, float] = 0 edge_inds: List[Tuple[int, int]] = attr.ib(init=False) edge_types: List[EdgeType] = attr.ib(init=False) n_nodes: int = attr.ib(init=False) n_edges: int = attr.ib(init=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.edge_inds = [ (self.part_names.index(src), self.part_names.index(dst)) for (src, dst) in self.edges ] self.edge_types = [ EdgeType(src_node, dst_node) for src_node, dst_node in self.edge_inds ] self.n_nodes = len(self.part_names) self.n_edges = len(self.edges) @classmethod def from_config( cls, config: MultiInstanceConfig, max_edge_length: float = 128, min_edge_score: float = 0.05, n_points: int = 10, min_instance_peaks: Union[int, float] = 0, ) -> "PAFScorer": return cls( part_names=config.confmaps.part_names, edges=config.pafs.edges, pafs_stride=config.pafs.output_stride, max_edge_length=max_edge_length, min_edge_score=min_edge_score, n_points=n_points, min_instance_peaks=min_instance_peaks, ) def sample_edge_line(self, paf, src_peak, dst_peak): paf_x = tf.gather(paf, 0, axis=-1) paf_y = tf.gather(paf, 1, axis=-1) max_x = tf.cast(tf.shape(paf_x)[1] - 1, tf.float32) max_y = tf.cast(tf.shape(paf_x)[0] - 1, tf.float32) line_x = tf.linspace(src_peak[0], dst_peak[0], self.n_points) line_y = tf.linspace(src_peak[1], dst_peak[1], self.n_points) line_x /= tf.cast(self.pafs_stride, tf.float32) line_y /= tf.cast(self.pafs_stride, tf.float32) line_x = tf.clip_by_value(tf.round(line_x), 0, max_x) line_y = tf.clip_by_value(tf.round(line_y), 0, max_y) line_x = tf.cast(line_x, tf.int32) line_y = tf.cast(line_y, tf.int32) line_subs = tf.stack([line_y, line_x], axis=1) line_paf_x = tf.gather_nd(paf_x, line_subs) line_paf_y = tf.gather_nd(paf_y, line_subs) line_paf = tf.stack([line_paf_x, line_paf_y], axis=-1) # (n_points, 2) return line_paf def score_pair(self, line_paf, src_peak, dst_peak): # Normalized spatial vector spatial_vec = dst_peak - src_peak spatial_vec_length = tf.norm(spatial_vec) spatial_vec /= spatial_vec_length # Compute dot product scores line_scores = tf.squeeze( line_paf @ tf.expand_dims(spatial_vec, axis=-1), axis=-1 ) # (n_points,) # Compute average line scores with distance penalty. dist_penalty = ( tf.cast(self.max_edge_length, tf.float32) / spatial_vec_length ) - 1 # Compute overall line score line_score = tf.reduce_mean(line_scores) line_score_with_dist_penalty = line_score + tf.minimum(dist_penalty, 0) # Compute fraction of connections above threshold. fraction_correct = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(line_scores > self.min_edge_score, tf.float32) ) return line_score_with_dist_penalty, fraction_correct def score_edge(self, paf, src_peaks, dst_peaks): line_scores = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) fraction_correct = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) # Iterate over source peaks. for i in range(len(src_peaks)): line_scores_i = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) fraction_correct_i = tf.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True ) # Iterate over destination peaks. for j in range(len(dst_peaks)): # Pull out peaks. src_peak = src_peaks[i] dst_peak = dst_peaks[j] # Get line integral from PAF tensor. line_paf = self.sample_edge_line(paf, src_peak, dst_peak) # Compute scores from line integral. line_score_ij, fraction_correct_ij = self.score_pair( line_paf, src_peak, dst_peak ) line_scores_i = line_scores_i.write(j, line_score_ij) fraction_correct_i = fraction_correct_i.write(j, fraction_correct_ij) line_scores_i = line_scores_i.stack() fraction_correct_i = fraction_correct_i.stack() line_scores = line_scores.write(i, line_scores_i) fraction_correct = line_scores.write(i, fraction_correct_i) line_scores = line_scores.stack() fraction_correct = fraction_correct.stack() return line_scores, fraction_correct def score_and_match_edge(self, paf, src_peaks, dst_peaks): # Compute scores from PAF line integrals. line_scores, fraction_correct = self.score_edge(paf, src_peaks, dst_peaks) # Replace NaNs with inf since linear_sum_assignment doesn't accept NaNs line_costs = tf.where( condition=tf.math.is_nan(line_scores), x=tf.constant([np.inf]), y=-line_scores, ) # Match edge candidates. src_inds, dst_inds = tf.py_function( linear_sum_assignment, inp=[line_costs], Tout=[tf.int32, tf.int32] ) # Pull out matched scores. match_subs = tf.stack([src_inds, dst_inds], axis=1) line_scores = tf.gather_nd(line_scores, match_subs) fraction_correct = tf.gather_nd(fraction_correct, match_subs) return src_inds, dst_inds, line_scores, fraction_correct def match_all_peaks(self, pafs, flat_peaks, flat_channel_inds): # Make sure PAFs are unflattened into (..., n_edges, 2). pafs = tf.reshape(pafs, [tf.shape(pafs)[0], tf.shape(pafs)[1], -1, 2]) # Sort peaks by channel sort_idx = tf.argsort(flat_channel_inds) peaks = tf.gather(flat_peaks, sort_idx) channel_inds = tf.gather(flat_channel_inds, sort_idx) # Group peaks by channel peaks = tf.RaggedTensor.from_value_rowids( values=peaks, value_rowids=channel_inds, nrows=self.n_nodes ) # Initialize dynamically sized containers. all_edge_inds = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) all_src_inds = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) all_dst_inds = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) all_line_scores = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) all_fraction_correct = tf.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True ) # Iterate over edges. for edge_ind in range(self.n_edges): # Pull out edge data. paf = tf.gather(pafs, edge_ind, axis=-2) src_peaks = peaks[self.edge_inds[edge_ind][0]] dst_peaks = peaks[self.edge_inds[edge_ind][1]] # Score the edge. ( src_inds, dst_inds, line_scores, fraction_correct, ) = self.score_and_match_edge(paf, src_peaks, dst_peaks) # Store edge results. all_edge_inds = all_edge_inds.write( edge_ind, tf.broadcast_to(edge_ind, tf.shape(src_inds)) ) all_src_inds = all_src_inds.write(edge_ind, src_inds) all_dst_inds = all_dst_inds.write(edge_ind, dst_inds) all_line_scores = all_line_scores.write(edge_ind, line_scores) all_fraction_correct = all_fraction_correct.write( edge_ind, fraction_correct ) # Concatenate dynamic tensors into flat ones. These can be split again by using # flat_edge_inds as a grouping vector. flat_edge_inds = all_edge_inds.concat() flat_src_inds = all_src_inds.concat() flat_dst_inds = all_dst_inds.concat() flat_line_scores = all_line_scores.concat() flat_fraction_correct = all_fraction_correct.concat() return ( flat_edge_inds, flat_src_inds, flat_dst_inds, flat_line_scores, flat_fraction_correct, ) def match_instances( self, flat_peaks, flat_peak_scores, flat_channel_inds, flat_edge_inds, flat_src_peak_inds, flat_dst_peak_inds, flat_line_scores, flat_fraction_correct, ): # Convert all the data to numpy arrays. flat_peaks = flat_peaks.numpy() flat_peak_scores = flat_peak_scores.numpy() flat_channel_inds = flat_channel_inds.numpy() flat_edge_inds = flat_edge_inds.numpy() flat_src_peak_inds = flat_src_peak_inds.numpy() flat_dst_peak_inds = flat_dst_peak_inds.numpy() flat_line_scores = flat_line_scores.numpy() flat_fraction_correct = flat_fraction_correct.numpy() # Group peaks by channel. peaks = [] peak_scores = [] for i in range(self.n_nodes): in_channel = flat_channel_inds == i peaks.append(flat_peaks[in_channel]) peak_scores.append(flat_peak_scores[in_channel]) # Group connection data by edge. src_peak_inds = [] dst_peak_inds = [] line_scores = [] fraction_correct = [] for i in range(self.n_edges): in_edge = flat_edge_inds == i src_peak_inds.append(flat_src_peak_inds[in_edge]) dst_peak_inds.append(flat_dst_peak_inds[in_edge]) line_scores.append(flat_line_scores[in_edge]) fraction_correct.append(flat_fraction_correct[in_edge]) # Form connections structure. connections = dict() for edge_ind, (src_peak_ind, dst_peak_ind, line_score) in enumerate( zip(src_peak_inds, dst_peak_inds, line_scores) ): connections[self.edge_types[edge_ind]] = [ EdgeConnection(src, dst, score) for src, dst, score in zip(src_peak_ind, dst_peak_ind, line_score) ] # Bipartite graph partitioning to group connections into instances. instance_assignments = assign_connections_to_instances( connections, min_instance_peaks=self.min_instance_peaks, n_nodes=self.n_nodes, ) # Gather the data by instance. ( predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores, ) = make_predicted_instances( peaks, peak_scores, connections, instance_assignments ) return predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores def match_with_pafs(self, pafs, flat_peaks, flat_peak_scores, flat_channel_inds): # Match peaks within each edge using PAF scores. ( flat_edge_inds, flat_src_peak_inds, flat_dst_peak_inds, flat_line_scores, flat_fraction_correct, ) = self.match_all_peaks(pafs, flat_peaks, flat_channel_inds) # Given matched peaks, group them into instances. ( predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores, ) = tf.py_function( self.match_instances, inp=[ flat_peaks, flat_peak_scores, flat_channel_inds, flat_edge_inds, flat_src_peak_inds, flat_dst_peak_inds, flat_line_scores, flat_fraction_correct, ], Tout=[tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.float32], ) return predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class PartAffinityFieldInstanceGrouper: paf_scorer: PAFScorer peaks_key: Text = "predicted_peaks" peak_scores_key: Text = "predicted_peak_confidences" channel_inds_key: Text = "predicted_peak_channel_inds" pafs_key: Text = "predicted_part_affinity_fields" predicted_instances_key: Text = "predicted_instances" predicted_peak_scores_key: Text = "predicted_peak_scores" predicted_instance_scores_key: Text = "predicted_instance_scores" keep_pafs: bool = False @classmethod def from_config( cls, config: MultiInstanceConfig, max_edge_length: float = 128, min_edge_score: float = 0.05, n_points: int = 10, min_instance_peaks: Union[int, float] = 0, peaks_key: Text = "predicted_peaks", peak_scores_key: Text = "predicted_peak_confidences", channel_inds_key: Text = "predicted_peak_channel_inds", pafs_key: Text = "predicted_part_affinity_fields", predicted_instances_key: Text = "predicted_instances", predicted_peak_scores_key: Text = "predicted_peak_scores", predicted_instance_scores_key: Text = "predicted_instance_scores", keep_pafs: bool = False, ) -> "PartAffinityFieldInstanceGrouper": return cls( paf_scorer=PAFScorer.from_config( config, max_edge_length=max_edge_length, min_edge_score=min_edge_score, n_points=n_points, min_instance_peaks=min_instance_peaks, ), peaks_key=peaks_key, peak_scores_key=peak_scores_key, channel_inds_key=channel_inds_key, pafs_key=pafs_key, predicted_instances_key=predicted_instances_key, predicted_peak_scores_key=predicted_peak_scores_key, predicted_instance_scores_key=predicted_instance_scores_key, keep_pafs=keep_pafs, ) @property def input_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return [ self.peaks_key, self.peak_scores_key, self.channel_inds_key, self.pafs_key, ] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[Text]: return self.input_keys + [ self.predicted_instances_key, self.predicted_peak_scores_key, self.predicted_instance_scores_key, ] def transform_dataset(self, input_ds: -> def group_instances(example): # Pull out example data. pafs = example[self.pafs_key] flat_peaks = example[self.peaks_key] flat_peak_scores = example[self.peak_scores_key] flat_channel_inds = example[self.channel_inds_key] # Run matching. ( predicted_instances, predicted_peak_scores, predicted_instance_scores, ) = self.paf_scorer.match_with_pafs( pafs, flat_peaks, flat_peak_scores, flat_channel_inds ) # Update example. example[self.predicted_instances_key] = predicted_instances example[self.predicted_peak_scores_key] = predicted_peak_scores example[self.predicted_instance_scores_key] = predicted_instance_scores if not self.keep_pafs: # Drop PAFs. example.pop(self.pafs_key) return example output_ds = group_instances, ) return output_ds