Source code for

Adaptor to read and write analysis HDF5 files.

These contain location and track data, but lack other metadata included in a
full SLEAP dataset file.

Note that this adaptor will use default track names and skeleton node names
if these cannot be read from the HDF5 (some files have these, some don't).

To determine whether this adaptor can read a file, we check it's an HDF5 file
with a `track_occupancy` dataset.
import numpy as np

from typing import Union

from sleap import Labels, Video, Skeleton
from sleap.instance import PredictedInstance, LabeledFrame, Track

from .adaptor import Adaptor, SleapObjectType
from .filehandle import FileHandle

[docs]class SleapAnalysisAdaptor(Adaptor): @property def handles(self): return SleapObjectType.labels @property def default_ext(self): return "h5" @property def all_exts(self): return ["h5", "hdf5"] @property def name(self): return "SLEAP Analysis HDF5"
[docs] def can_read_file(self, file: FileHandle): if not self.does_match_ext(file.filename): return False if not file.is_hdf5: return False if "track_occupancy" not in file.file: return False return True
[docs] def can_write_filename(self, filename: str): return self.does_match_ext(filename)
[docs] def does_read(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def does_write(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, file: FileHandle, video: Union[Video, str], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Labels: connect_adj_nodes = False if video is None: raise ValueError("Cannot read analysis hdf5 if no video specified.") if not isinstance(video, Video): video = Video.from_filename(video) f = file.file tracks_matrix = f["tracks"][:].T # shape: frames * nodes * 2 * tracks frame_count, node_count, _, track_count = tracks_matrix.shape if "track_names" in f: track_names_list = f["track_names"][:].T tracks = [Track(0, track_name.decode()) for track_name in track_names_list] else: tracks = [Track(0, f"track_{i}") for i in range(track_count)] if "node_names" in f: node_names_dset = f["node_names"][:].T node_names = [name.decode() for name in node_names_dset] else: node_names = [f"node {i}" for i in range(node_count)] skeleton = Skeleton() last_node_name = None for node_name in node_names: skeleton.add_node(node_name) if connect_adj_nodes and last_node_name: skeleton.add_edge(last_node_name, node_name) last_node_name = node_name frames = [] for frame_idx in range(frame_count): instances = [] for track_idx in range(track_count): points = tracks_matrix[frame_idx, ..., track_idx] if not np.all(np.isnan(points)): point_scores = np.ones(len(points)) # make everything a PredictedInstance since the usual use # case is to export predictions for analysis instances.append( PredictedInstance.from_arrays( points=points, point_confidences=point_scores, skeleton=skeleton, track=tracks[track_idx], instance_score=1, ) ) if instances: frames.append( LabeledFrame(video=video, frame_idx=frame_idx, instances=instances) ) return Labels(labeled_frames=frames)
[docs] @classmethod def write(cls, filename: str, source_object: Labels): from import main as write_analysis write_analysis(source_object, output_path=filename, all_frames=True)