Adaptor to read and write analysis HDF5 files.

These contain location and track data, but lack other metadata included in a full SLEAP dataset file.

Note that this adaptor will use default track names and skeleton node names if these cannot be read from the HDF5 (some files have these, some don’t).

To determine whether this adaptor can read a file, we check it’s an HDF5 file with a track_occupancy dataset.

property all_exts

List of all file extensions supported by adaptor.


Returns whether this adaptor can read this file.

can_write_filename(filename: str)[source]

Returns whether this adaptor can write format of this filename.

property default_ext

The default file extension, e.g., ‘json’ (without ‘.’).

does_read() → bool[source]

Returns whether this adaptor supports reading.

does_write() → bool[source]

Returns whether this adaptor supports writing.

property handles

Returns the type of object that can be read/written.

The Dispatch class calls this method on all registered adaptors to determine which to use for reading/writing.

property name

Human-reading name of the file format

classmethod read(file:, video: Union[, str], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Reads the file and returns the appropriate deserialized object.

classmethod write(filename: str, source_object:[source]

Writes the object to a file.