

GUI is a comprehensive list of the functionality in the SLEAP GUI for labeling, proofreading and inspection.

Command line interfaces describes the command line interfaces provided by SLEAP.

Getting better results#

Troubleshooting workflows provide a good place to start with suggestions based on how much you’ve labeled so far.

Skeleton design answers some questions about designing the skeleton for your animals.

Configuring models describes the types of models in SLEAP and how to configure them.

Importing predictions for labeling when you have predictions that aren’t in the same project as your original training data and you want to correct some of the predictions and use these corrections to train a better model.

Tracking and proofreading provides tips and tools you can use to speed up proofreading when you’re happy enough with the frame-by-frame predictions but you need to correct the identities tracked across frames.

Running remotely#

Run training and inference on Colab when you have a project with labeled training data and you’d like to run training or inference in a Colab notebook.

Remote training when you have a project with training data and you want to train on a different machine using a command-line interface.

Creating a custom training profile for creating custom training profiles (i.e., non-default model hyperparameters) from the GUI.

Remote inference when you trained models and you want to run inference on a different machine using a command-line interface.

SLEAP with Bonsai#

Using Bonsai with SLEAP when you want to analyze the trained SLEAP model to visualize the poses, centroids and identities for further visual analysis.