
Data table widgets and view models used in GUI app.

Typically you’ll need to subclass GenericTableModel for your data (unless your data is already a list of dictionaries with keys matching the columns of the table you want), but you can use GenericTableView as is. For example:

videos_table = GenericTableView(
    model=VideosTableModel(items=self.labels.videos, context=self.commands),
class sleap.gui.dataviews.GenericTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]

Generic Qt table model to show a list of properties for some items.

Typically this will be used as base class. Subclasses can implement methods:
object_to_items: allows conversion from a single object to a list of

items which correspond to rows of table. for example, a table which shows skeleton nodes could implement this method and return the list of nodes for skeleton.

item_to_data: if each item isn’t already a dictionary with keys for

columns of table (i.e., properties attribute) and values to show in table, then use this method to convert each item to such a dict.

Note that if you need to convert a single object to a list of dictionaries, you can implement both steps in object_to_items (and use the default implementation of item_to_data which doesn’t do any conversion), or you can implement this in two steps using the two methods. It doesn’t make much difference which you do.

For editable table, you must implement can_set and set_item methods.

Usually it’s simplest to override properties in the subclass, rather than passing as an init arg.

  • properties – The list of property names (table columns).

  • items – The list of items with said properties (rows).

  • context – A command context (required for editable items).

can_set(item, key)[source]

Virtual method, returns whether table cell is editable.


Overrides Qt method, returns number of columns (attributes).

data(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex, role=PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)[source]

Overrides Qt method, returns data to show in table.

flags(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex)[source]

Overrides Qt method, returns whether item is selectable etc.

get_from_idx(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex)[source]

Gets item from QModelIndex.

get_item_color(item: Any, key: str)[source]

Virtual method, returns color for given item.

headerData(idx: int, orientation: <class 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.Orientation'>, role=PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)[source]

Overrides Qt method, returns column (attribute) names.

property items

Gets or sets list of items to show in table.


Virtual method, convert object to list of items to show in rows.

property original_items

Gets the original items (rather than the dictionary we build from it).


Overrides Qt method, returns number of rows (items).

setData(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex, value: str, role=PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole)[source]

Overrides Qt method, dispatch for settable properties.

set_item(item, key, value)[source]

Virtual method, used to set value for item in table cell.

sort(column_idx: int, order: <class 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.SortOrder'> = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.SortOrder.AscendingOrder)[source]

Sorts table by given column and order.

Correctly sorts numeric string (i.e., “123.45”) numerically rather than alphabetically. Has logic for correctly sorting video frames by video then frame index.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.GenericTableView(model: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractTableModel, state: sleap.gui.state.GuiState = None, row_name: Optional[str] = None, name_prefix: Optional[str] = None, is_sortable: bool = False, is_activatable: bool = False)[source]

Qt table view for use with GenericTableModel (and subclasses).

Uses the GuiState object to keep track of which row/item is selected. If the row_name attribute is “foo”, then a “foo_selected” state will be item corresponding to the currently selected row in table (and the table will select the row if this state is updated by something else). When is_activatable is True, then a “foo” state will also be set to the item when a row is activated–typically by being double-clicked. This state can then be used to trigger something else outside the table.

Note that by default “selected_” is used for the state key, e.g., “selected_foo”, but you can set the name_prefix attribute/init arg if for some reason you need this to be different. For instance, the table of instances in the GUI sets this to “” so that the row for an instance is automatically selected when state[“instance”] is set outside the table.


Activates item currently selected in table.

“Activate” means that the relevant GuiState state variable is set to the currently selected item.

getSelectedRowItem() → Any[source]

Returns item corresponding to currently selected row.

Note that if the table model converts items to dictionaries (using item_to_data method), then returned item will be the original item, not the converted dict.

selectRowItem(item: Any)[source]

Selects row corresponding to item.

If the table model converts items to dictionaries (using item_to_data method), then item argument should be the original item, not the converted dict.

selectionChanged(new, old)[source]

Custom event handler.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.LabeledFrameTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]

Table model for listing instances in labeled frame.

Allows editing track names.

  • labeled_frameLabeledFrame to show

  • labelsLabels datasource

can_set(item, key)[source]

Virtual method, returns whether table cell is editable.

get_item_color(item: Any, key: str)[source]

Virtual method, returns color for given item.

object_to_items(labeled_frame: sleap.instance.LabeledFrame)[source]

Virtual method, convert object to list of items to show in rows.

set_item(item, key, value)[source]

Virtual method, used to set value for item in table cell.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.SkeletonEdgesTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]

Table model for skeleton edges.

get_item_color(item: Any, key: str)[source]

Virtual method, returns color for given item.

object_to_items(skeleton: sleap.skeleton.Skeleton)[source]

Virtual method, convert object to list of items to show in rows.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.SkeletonNodeModel(skeleton: sleap.skeleton.Skeleton, src_node: Callable = None)[source]

String list model for source/destination nodes of edges.

  • skeleton – The skeleton for which to list nodes.

  • src_node – If given, then we assume that this model is being used for edge destination node. Otherwise, we assume that this model is being used for an edge source node. If given, then this should be function that will return the selected edge source node.


Overrides Qt method, returns number of columns (1).

data(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex, role=PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)[source]

Overrides Qt method, returns data for given row.

flags(index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex)[source]

Overrides Qt method, returns flags (editable etc).


Overrides Qt method, returns number of rows.

property skeleton

Gets or sets current skeleton.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.SkeletonNodesTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]
can_set(item, key)[source]

Virtual method, returns whether table cell is editable.

get_item_color(item: Any, key: str)[source]

Virtual method, returns color for given item.

object_to_items(skeleton: sleap.skeleton.Skeleton)[source]

Converts given skeleton to list of nodes to show in table.

set_item(item, key, value)[source]

Virtual method, used to set value for item in table cell.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.SuggestionsTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]
sort(column_idx: int, order: <class 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.SortOrder'>)[source]

Sorts table by given column and order.

class sleap.gui.dataviews.VideosTableModel(items: Optional[list] = None, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, context: Optional[sleap.gui.commands.CommandContext] = None)[source]