Data providers for pipeline I/O.

class, example_indices: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], numpy.ndarray]] = None)[source]

Data provider from a sleap.Labels instance.

This class can generate`s from a set of labels for use in data pipelines. Each element in the dataset will contain the data contained in a single `LabeledFrame.


The sleap.Labels instance to generate data from.


List or numpy array of ints with the labeled frame indices to use when iterating over the labels. Use this to specify subsets of the labels to use. Particularly handy for creating data splits. If not provided, the entire labels dataset will be read. These indices will be applicable to the labeled frames in labels attribute, which may have changed in ordering or filtered.

classmethod from_filename(filename: str, user_instances: bool = True)[source]

Create a LabelsReader from a saved labels file.

  • filename – Path to a saved labels file.

  • user_instances – If True, will use only labeled frames with user instances.


A LabelsReader instance that can create a dataset for pipelining.

classmethod from_user_instances(labels:[source]

Create a LabelsReader using the user instances in a Labels set.


labels – A sleap.Labels instance containing user instances.


A LabelsReader instance that can create a dataset for pipelining. Note that the examples may change in ordering relative to the input labels, so be sure to use the labels attribute in the returned instance.

make_dataset(ds_index: Optional[] = None) →[source]

Return a whose elements are data from labeled frames.


A dataset whose elements are dictionaries with the loaded data associated with a single LabeledFrame. Items will be converted to tensors. These are:

”image”: Tensors of shape (height, width, channels) containing the full

raw frame image. The dtype is determined by the input data.

”raw_image_size”: The image size when it was first read as a tf.int32

tensor of shape (3,) representing [height, width, channels]. This is useful for keeping track of absolute image coordinates if downstream processing modules resize, crop or pad the image.

”example_ind”: Index of the individual labeled frame within the labels

stored in the labels attribute of this reader.

”video_ind”: Index of the video within the Labels.videos list that the

labeled frame comes from. Tensor will be a scalar of dtype tf.int32.

”frame_ind”: Index of the frame within the video that the labeled frame

comes from. Tensor will be a scalar of dtype tf.int64.

”scale”: The relative scaling factor of each image dimension specified

as a tf.float32 tensor of shape (2,) representing the (x_scale, y_scale) of the example. This is always (1.0, 1.0) when the images are initially read, but may be modified downstream in order to keep track of scaling operations. This is especially important to keep track of changes to the aspect ratio of the image grid in order to properly map points to image coordinates.

”instances”: Tensor of shape (n_instances, n_nodes, 2) of dtype float32

containing all of the instances in the frame.

”skeleton_inds”: Tensor of shape (n_instances,) of dtype tf.int32 that

specifies the index of the skeleton used for each instance.

property output_keys

Return the output keys that the dataset will produce.

property videos

Return the list of videos that video_ind in examples match up with.

class, example_indices: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], numpy.ndarray]] = None)[source]

Data provider from a sleap.Video instance.

This class can generate ``s from a video for use in data pipelines. Each element in the dataset will contain the image data from a single frame.


The sleap.Video instance to generate data from.


List or numpy array of ints with the frame indices to use when iterating over the video. Use this to specify subsets of the video to read. If not provided, the entire video will be read.


Scalar index of video to keep with each example. Helpful when running inference across videos.

classmethod from_filepath(filename: str, example_indices: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], numpy.ndarray]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a LabelsReader from a saved labels file.

  • filename – Path to a video file.

  • example_indices – List or numpy array of ints with the frame indices to use when iterating over the video. Use this to specify subsets of the video to read. If not provided, the entire video will be read.

  • **kwargs – Any other video keyword argument (e.g., grayscale, dataset).


A VideoReader instance that can create a dataset for pipelining.

make_dataset() →[source]

Return a whose elements are data from video frames.


A dataset whose elements are dictionaries with the loaded data associated with a single video frame. Items will be converted to tensors. These are:

”image”: Tensors of shape (height, width, channels) containing the full

raw frame image.

”raw_image_size”: The image size when it was first read as a tf.int32

tensor of shape (3,) representing [height, width, channels]. This is useful for keeping track of absolute image coordinates if downstream processing modules resize, crop or pad the image.

”video_ind”: Index of the video (always 0). Can be used to index into

the videos attribute of the provider.

”frame_ind”: Index of the frame within the video that the frame comes

from. This is the same as the input index, but is also provided for convenience in downstream processing.

”scale”: The relative scaling factor of each image dimension specified

as a tf.float32 tensor of shape (2,) representing the (x_scale, y_scale) of the example. This is always (1.0, 1.0) when the images are initially read, but may be modified downstream in order to keep track of scaling operations. This is especially important to keep track of changes to the aspect ratio of the image grid in order to properly map points to image coordinates.

property output_keys

Return the output keys that the dataset will produce.

property videos

Return the list of videos that video_ind in examples match up with.