
Read/write for multiple dataset formats.

File adaptors provide a common API for code that reads and/or writes data files. Usually these are for reading or writing SLEAP datasets or something with roughly equivalent data (e.g., a COCO keypoint dataset), although the code can in principle be used for reading/writing different types of data.

For reading or writing SLEAP datasets, use or main.write(), optionally specifying the as_format parameter (e.g., if you want to write a specific, non-default format). is a nice usage example.

To add support for a new file format:

  1. Create an adaptor class which implements all virtual functions in the Adaptor class. Take a look at GenericJsonAdaptor for a simple example or SleapAnalysisAdaptor for an adaptor which supports reading and writing datasets (this would be a good adaptor to use as a template for your own).

  2. If it’s for reading and/or writing Labels datasets (the typical case), add it to all_labels_adaptors dictionary in

If your file format has a file extension that’s distinct from other supported file formats, then read/write code will automatically detect the correct format. For example, if your adaptor supports save and its default file ext is foo, then calling Labels.save_file(labels, "") will use your file adaptor.

If your file format does not have a distinct file extension, then additional work is required. For an example, take a look at the ExportAnalysisFile and ImportAnalysisFile command classes (in sleap.gui.commands). For the analysis HDF5 we need custom code since these files have a h5 extension, and this is also a non-default file extension for the LabelsV1Adaptor adaptor. str, for_object: str | object, as_format: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs) object[source]#

Reads file using the appropriate file format adaptor.

  • filename – Full filename of the file to read.

  • for_object – The type of object we’re trying to read; can be given as string (e.g., “labels”) or instance of the object.

  • as_format – Allows you to specify the format adaptor to use; if not specified, then we’ll try the default adaptors for this object type.


NotImplementedError if appropriate adaptor cannot be found.

TypeError if adaptor does not support reading (shouldn’t happen unless you specify as_format adaptor).

Any file-related exception thrown while trying to read. str, source_object: object, as_format: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Writes SLEAP dataset file using the appropriate file format adaptor.

  • filename – Full filename of the file to write. All directories should exist.

  • source_object – The object we want to write to a file.

  • as_format – Allows you to specify the format adaptor to use; if not specified, then this will use the privileged adaptor for the type of object.


NotImplementedError if appropriate adaptor cannot be found.

TypeError if adaptor does not support writing (shouldn’t happen unless you specify as_format adaptor).

Any file-related exception thrown while trying to write.